Uses of Class

Packages that use ElemTemplate
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xalan.transformer In charge of run-time transformations and the production of result trees. 

Uses of ElemTemplate in org.apache.xalan.processor

Subclasses of ElemTemplate in org.apache.xalan.processor
 class WhitespaceInfoPaths

Uses of ElemTemplate in org.apache.xalan.templates

Subclasses of ElemTemplate in org.apache.xalan.templates
 class ElemExsltFunction
          **For advanced use only** Implement func:function.
 class WhiteSpaceInfo
          This is used as a special "fake" template that can be handled by the TemplateList to do pattern matching on nodes.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates that return ElemTemplate
 ElemTemplate ElemTemplateElement.getOwnerXSLTemplate()
          Get the owning xsl:template element.
 ElemTemplate Stylesheet.getTemplate(int i)
          Get an "xsl:template" property.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getTemplateComposed(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm)
          Get an "xsl:template" property by node match.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getTemplateComposed(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, int endImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm)
          Get an "xsl:template" property by node match.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getTemplateComposed(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:template" property.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getDefaultTextRule()
          **For advanced use only** Get the default template for text.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getDefaultRule()
          **For advanced use only** Get the default template for elements.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getDefaultRootRule()
          **For advanced use only** Get the default template for a root node.
 ElemTemplate StylesheetRoot.getStartRule()
          **For advanced use only** Get the default template for a root node.
 ElemTemplate TemplateList.getTemplate(QName qname)
          Locate a named template.
 ElemTemplate TemplateList.getTemplateFast(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, int expTypeID, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm)
          Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.
 ElemTemplate TemplateList.getTemplate(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm)
          Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.
 ElemTemplate TemplateList.getTemplate(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode, int maxImportLevel, int endImportLevel, boolean quietConflictWarnings, DTM dtm)
          Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type ElemTemplate
 void Stylesheet.setTemplate(ElemTemplate v)
          Set an "xsl:template" property.
 void Stylesheet.replaceTemplate(ElemTemplate v, int i)
          Replace an "xsl:template" property.
 void TemplateList.setTemplate(ElemTemplate template)
          Add a template to the table of named templates and/or the table of templates with match patterns.

Uses of ElemTemplate in org.apache.xalan.transformer

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer that return ElemTemplate
 ElemTemplate XalanTransformState.getCurrentTemplate()
 ElemTemplate XalanTransformState.getMatchedTemplate()
 ElemTemplate TransformerImpl.getCurrentTemplate()
          This method retrieves the xsl:template that is in effect, which may be a matched template or a named template.
 ElemTemplate TransformerImpl.getMatchedTemplate()
          This method retrieves the xsl:template that was matched.
 ElemTemplate TransformState.getCurrentTemplate()
          This method retrieves the xsl:template that is in effect, which may be a matched template or a named template.
 ElemTemplate TransformState.getMatchedTemplate()
          This method retrieves the xsl:template that was matched.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.transformer with parameters of type ElemTemplate
 boolean TransformerImpl.applyTemplateToNode(ElemTemplateElement xslInstruction, ElemTemplate template, int child)
          **For advanced use only** Given an element and mode, find the corresponding template and process the contents.
 int StackGuard.countLikeTemplates(ElemTemplate templ, int pos)
          Overide equal method for StackGuard objects

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