Class StackGuard


public class StackGuard
extends java.lang.Object

Class to guard against recursion getting too deep.

Field Summary
static int m_recursionLimit
          Used for infinite loop check.
Constructor Summary
StackGuard(TransformerImpl transformerImpl)
          Constructor StackGuard
Method Summary
 void checkForInfinateLoop()
          Check if we are in an infinite loop
 int countLikeTemplates(ElemTemplate templ, int pos)
          Overide equal method for StackGuard objects
 int getRecursionLimit()
          Get the recursion limit.
 void setRecursionLimit(int limit)
          Set the recursion limit.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int m_recursionLimit
Used for infinite loop check. If the value is -1, do not check for infinite loops. Anyone who wants to enable that check should change the value of this variable to be the level of recursion that they want to check. Be careful setting this variable, if the number is too low, it may report an infinite loop situation, when there is none. Post version 1.0.0, we'll make this a runtime feature.
Constructor Detail


public StackGuard(TransformerImpl transformerImpl)
Constructor StackGuard
xslTemplate - Current template node
sourceXML - Source Node
Method Detail


public int getRecursionLimit()
Get the recursion limit. Used for infinite loop check. If the value is -1, do not check for infinite loops. Anyone who wants to enable that check should change the value of this variable to be the level of recursion that they want to check. Be careful setting this variable, if the number is too low, it may report an infinite loop situation, when there is none. Post version 1.0.0, we'll make this a runtime feature.
The recursion limit.


public void setRecursionLimit(int limit)
Set the recursion limit. Used for infinite loop check. If the value is -1, do not check for infinite loops. Anyone who wants to enable that check should change the value of this variable to be the level of recursion that they want to check. Be careful setting this variable, if the number is too low, it may report an infinite loop situation, when there is none. Post version 1.0.0, we'll make this a runtime feature.
limit - The recursion limit.


public int countLikeTemplates(ElemTemplate templ,
                              int pos)
Overide equal method for StackGuard objects
obj - StackGuard object to compare
True if the given object matches this StackGuard object


public void checkForInfinateLoop()
                          throws TransformerException
Check if we are in an infinite loop
guard - Current StackGuard object (matching current template)
TransformerException -  

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