Uses of Class

Packages that use ExtensionHandler
org.apache.xalan.extensions Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism. 

Uses of ExtensionHandler in org.apache.xalan.extensions

Subclasses of ExtensionHandler in org.apache.xalan.extensions
 class ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction
          Execute EXSLT functions, determine the availability of EXSLT functions, and the availability of an EXSLT result element.
 class ExtensionHandlerGeneral
          **For internal use only** Class handling an extension namespace for XPath.
 class ExtensionHandlerJava
          **For internal use only** Abstract base class handling the java language extensions for XPath.
 class ExtensionHandlerJavaClass
          **For internal use only** Represents an extension namespace for XPath that handles java classes.
 class ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage
          **For internal use only** Represents an extension namespace for XPath that handles java packages that may be fully or partially specified.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.extensions that return ExtensionHandler
 ExtensionHandler ExtensionsTable.get(java.lang.String extns)
          Get an ExtensionHandler object that represents the given namespace.
 ExtensionHandler ExtensionNamespaceSupport.launch()
          Launch the ExtensionHandler that this ExtensionNamespaceSupport object defines.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.extensions with parameters of type ExtensionHandler
 void ExtensionsTable.addExtensionNamespace(java.lang.String uri, ExtensionHandler extNS)
          **For advanced use only** Register an extension namespace handler.

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