Package org.apache.xalan.extensions

Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism.


Interface Summary
ExpressionContext An object that implements this interface can supply information about the current XPath expression context.

Class Summary
ExpressionVisitor When org.apache.xalan.templates.StylesheetHandler creates an XPath, the ExpressionVisitor visits the XPath expression.
ExtensionHandler **For internal use only** Abstract base class for handling an extension namespace for XPath.
ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction Execute EXSLT functions, determine the availability of EXSLT functions, and the availability of an EXSLT result element.
ExtensionHandlerGeneral **For internal use only** Class handling an extension namespace for XPath.
ExtensionHandlerJava **For internal use only** Abstract base class handling the java language extensions for XPath.
ExtensionHandlerJavaClass **For internal use only** Represents an extension namespace for XPath that handles java classes.
ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage **For internal use only** Represents an extension namespace for XPath that handles java packages that may be fully or partially specified.
ExtensionNamespacesManager Used during assembly of a stylesheet to collect the information for each extension namespace that is required during the transformation process to generate an ExtensionHandler.
ExtensionNamespaceSupport During styleseet composition, an ExtensionNamespaceSupport object is created for each extension namespace the stylesheet uses.
ExtensionsTable **For internal use only** Class holding a table registered extension namespace handlers
MethodResolver Utility class to help resolve method overloading with Xalan XSLT argument types.
XSLProcessorContext Provides transformer context to be passed to an extension element.

Package org.apache.xalan.extensions Description

Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism.

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