Uses of Interface

Packages that use ExpressionContext
org.apache.xalan.extensions Implementation of Xalan Extension Mechanism. 
org.apache.xalan.lib Extension elements and functions shipped with Xalan-Java, including EXSLT functions. 
org.apache.xalan.lib.sql Provides extension functions for connecting to a JDBC data source, executing a query, and working incrementally through a "streamable" result set. 
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 

Uses of ExpressionContext in org.apache.xalan.extensions

Methods in org.apache.xalan.extensions with parameters of type ExpressionContext
abstract  java.lang.Object ExtensionHandler.callFunction(java.lang.String funcName, java.util.Vector args, java.lang.Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to a function.
abstract  java.lang.Object ExtensionHandler.callFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction, java.util.Vector args, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to a function.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.callFunction(java.lang.String funcName, java.util.Vector args, java.lang.Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to a function in the package java namespace.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerJavaPackage.callFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction, java.util.Vector args, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to an XPath extension function
 java.lang.Object ExtensionsTable.extFunction(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String funcName, java.util.Vector argVec, java.lang.Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Handle an extension function.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionsTable.extFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction, java.util.Vector argVec, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Handle an extension function.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction.callFunction(java.lang.String funcName, java.util.Vector args, java.lang.Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Execute the EXSLT function and return the result value.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerExsltFunction.callFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction, java.util.Vector args, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Execute the EXSLT function and return the result value.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerGeneral.callFunction(java.lang.String funcName, java.util.Vector args, java.lang.Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to a function.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerGeneral.callFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction, java.util.Vector args, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to an XPath extension function
static java.lang.reflect.Constructor MethodResolver.getConstructor(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.Object[] argsIn, java.lang.Object[][] argsOut, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Given a class, figure out the resolution of the Java Constructor from the XSLT argument types, and perform the conversion of the arguments.
static java.lang.reflect.Method MethodResolver.getMethod(java.lang.Class classObj, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object[] argsIn, java.lang.Object[][] argsOut, ExpressionContext exprContext, int searchMethod)
          Given the name of a method, figure out the resolution of the Java Method from the XSLT argument types, and perform the conversion of the arguments.
static void MethodResolver.convertParams(java.lang.Object[] argsIn, java.lang.Object[][] argsOut, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Convert a set of parameters based on a set of paramTypes.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.callFunction(java.lang.String funcName, java.util.Vector args, java.lang.Object methodKey, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to a function in the java class represented by this ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.
 java.lang.Object ExtensionHandlerJavaClass.callFunction(FuncExtFunction extFunction, java.util.Vector args, ExpressionContext exprContext)
          Process a call to an XPath extension function

Uses of ExpressionContext in org.apache.xalan.lib

Methods in org.apache.xalan.lib with parameters of type ExpressionContext
static java.lang.String NodeInfo.systemId(ExpressionContext context)
          systemId returns the system id of the current context node.
static java.lang.String NodeInfo.publicId(ExpressionContext context)
          publicId returns the public identifier of the current context node.
static int NodeInfo.lineNumber(ExpressionContext context)
          lineNumber returns the line number of the current context node.
static int NodeInfo.columnNumber(ExpressionContext context)
          columnNumber returns the column number of the current context node.
static double ExsltDynamic.max(ExpressionContext myContext, NodeList nl, java.lang.String expr)
          The dyn:max function calculates the maximum value for the nodes passed as the first argument, where the value of each node is calculated dynamically using an XPath expression passed as a string as the second argument.
static double ExsltDynamic.min(ExpressionContext myContext, NodeList nl, java.lang.String expr)
          The dyn:min function calculates the minimum value for the nodes passed as the first argument, where the value of each node is calculated dynamically using an XPath expression passed as a string as the second argument.
static double ExsltDynamic.sum(ExpressionContext myContext, NodeList nl, java.lang.String expr)
          The dyn:sum function calculates the sum for the nodes passed as the first argument, where the value of each node is calculated dynamically using an XPath expression passed as a string as the second argument.
static NodeList myContext, NodeList nl, java.lang.String expr)
          The dyn:map function evaluates the expression passed as the second argument for each of the nodes passed as the first argument, and returns a node set of those values.
static XObject ExsltDynamic.evaluate(ExpressionContext myContext, java.lang.String xpathExpr)
          The dyn:evaluate function evaluates a string as an XPath expression and returns the resulting value, which might be a boolean, number, string, node set, result tree fragment or external object.
static NodeList ExsltDynamic.closure(ExpressionContext myContext, NodeList nl, java.lang.String expr)
          The dyn:closure function creates a node set resulting from transitive closure of evaluating the expression passed as the second argument on each of the nodes passed as the first argument, then on the node set resulting from that and so on until no more nodes are found.
static NodeSet ExsltCommon.nodeSet(ExpressionContext myProcessor, java.lang.Object rtf)
          The exsl:node-set function converts a result tree fragment (which is what you get when you use the content of xsl:variable rather than its select attribute to give a variable value) into a node set.
static NodeSet Extensions.nodeset(ExpressionContext myProcessor, java.lang.Object rtf)
          This method is an extension that implements as a Xalan extension the node-set function also found in xt and saxon.
static XObject Extensions.evaluate(ExpressionContext myContext, java.lang.String xpathExpr)
          Returns the result of evaluating the argument as a string containing an XPath expression.
static Node Extensions.checkEnvironment(ExpressionContext myContext)
          Return a Node of basic debugging information from the EnvironmentCheck utility about the Java environment.

Uses of ExpressionContext in org.apache.xalan.lib.sql

Methods in org.apache.xalan.lib.sql with parameters of type ExpressionContext
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String ConnPoolName)
          Create an XConnection using the name of an existing Connection Pool
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL)
          Create an XConnection object with just a driver and database URL.
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, Element protocolElem)
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, NodeList list)
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Create an XConnection object with user ID and password.
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL, Element protocolElem)
          Create an XConnection object with a connection protocol
 DTM XConnection.query(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String queryString)
          Execute a query statement by instantiating an
 DTM XConnection.pquery(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String queryString)
          Execute a parameterized query statement by instantiating an
 DTM XConnection.pquery(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String typeInfo)
          Execute a parameterized query statement by instantiating an

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.lib.sql with parameters of type ExpressionContext
XConnection.XConnection(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String ConnPoolName)
XConnection.XConnection(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL)
XConnection.XConnection(ExpressionContext exprContext, NodeList list)
XConnection.XConnection(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL, java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
XConnection.XConnection(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL, Element protocolElem)

Uses of ExpressionContext in org.apache.xpath

Classes in org.apache.xpath that implement ExpressionContext
 class XPathContext.XPathExpressionContext

Methods in org.apache.xpath that return ExpressionContext
 ExpressionContext XPathContext.getExpressionContext()
          The the expression context for extensions for this context.

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