2.0.4 (December 6 2002)
2.0.3 (July 15 2002)
Encourage people to help with the mending broken links.
Added a
linkstatus document describing some
Added section to the
Mailing Lists document to describe
the new cocoon-docs mailing list.
Established the new cocoon-docs mailing list.
Updated and refactored some planning docs.
Added new How-To for HTML-PDF Publishing.
(DS) Thanks to Betrand Delacretaz.
Added new How-To for Authoring Core Docs.
Added new How-To for PaginatorTransformer.
Added simple user documentation of LinkStatus Generator.
Encourage people to help with the refactoring of Cocoon samples.
Provide a
refactoring guidelines document.
Added overview documentation for
XMLForm Handling.
(DC) Thanks to Andrew Savory.
New Snippet section added, along
with first Snippet and Snippet How-To.
Added additional FAQs pages: Actions,
Aggregators, and
Edited Matchers,
Selectors, and a number of other
user guide doc files to address grammar, typos, and general Global English issues.
Added stylesheet, src/documentation/stylesheets/faqcommon.xsl, which places two
FAQs at the bottom of every FAQs topic page. FAQs added include
"How can I add my FAQ to this document" and "How can I suggest
improvements to existing FAQs".
Added five additional FAQ categories and pages.
Pulled useful FAQ content from various locations within existing docs and sitemap files.
Provided "gateway links" to additional site documentation.
Added Heidi Brannan's new
XMLForm's How-To.
(IAI) Thanks to Heidi Brannan.
Added new draft
How to Prepare a Patch.
Added new draft
How to Contribute a Patch
via Bugzilla.
Added Tutorial section. Moved existing tutorial to new
location. Added draft tutorial contribution.
Added How-To section.
Added new How to author How-To and FAQ articles.
Added new FAQ categories.
Restructured FAQ content to facilitate user contributions via patches.
Reviewed the LinkAlarm report
and fixed some broken links.
Added new Cocoon Links section
with a collection of links to various external sources.
(DC) Thanks to Andreas Hochsteger. Fixes bug 8989.
Added many entries to the new To Do List.
Started new documents for
Documentation To Do List and
Documentation History of Changes.
2.0.2 (March 26 2002)
Commenced discussion and planning for a Documentation Project.