This document lists all of the available matchers of Apache Cocoon and
describes their purpose.
See also the concepts document
Using and Implementing
Matchers and Selectors.
A matcher is a core sitemap component of Cocoon. Matchers allow Cocoon
to associate a pure
"virtual" URI space with a given set of "instructions"
found in a Cocoon sitemap. Sitemap matchers are used to determine the flow and order
of request processing. They typically describe
how to generate, transform and present a requested resource(s) to
the client. They may also be used to redirect requests to other pipelines
or to call other sitemap resources.
Cocoon is driven by the client request. A request typically
contains a URI, some parameters, cookies, and much more. Within
the Cocoon environment, the request is evaluated to determine
what sitemap instructions to use for processing.
More specifically, a given request is matched against a pipeline
matcher's pattern attribute. When a match is found,
processing of the request begins.
As an example, consider the following sitemap snippet:
 |  |  |
<map:match pattern="body-faq.xml">
<map:generate src="xdocs/faq.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/faq2document.xsl"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/document2html.xsl"/>
<map:match pattern="body-**.xml">
<map:generate src="xdocs/{1}.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/document2html.xsl"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
Here the two sitemap entries map request URIs to different virtual URIs using
the default wildcard matcher (defined earlier in a matcher component configuration).
The first entry uses an exact match, "body-faq.xml". Only request URIs
composed of this exact string will match this entry. The
second sitemap entry uses a wildcard pattern. URI Requests that begin with
"body-" and end with ".xml" will meet this matcher's
requirement. For example, a URI request for "body-cocoon.xml"
would match the second entry.
It's important to understand that Cocoon is based on a "first-match"
approach. All requests are matched against the different "map:match"
entries in the order in which matchers are specified in the sitemap.
As soon
as a match is successful, the pipeline processing begins. This means
that more specific patterns must appear before more generic ones.
If the order of the two pipelines in the above example were reversed,
a request for "body-faq.xml" not match "body-faq.xml"
but "body-**.xml" because it appears first. (This is a familiar
concept, especially in router and firewall configurations.)
Another important feature of matchers is tokenization. Every "variable"
part of a matcher pattern will be kept in memory by Cocoon for
additional reuse. It remains available within a pipeline match
as a numbered argument. Using the previous example, consider a request
URI such as "body-index.xml" matched by the second map:match element.
The string "index" which matches the "**" wildcard,
is available for reuse by other child elements of map:match. It is
identified by the key {1}. This key is used as a parameter for the
generator which will first resolve it to the string
"index", and then look for a file named "xdocs/index.html".
Wildcard and regular expressions
Most Cocoon matchers are built using two different techniques:
regular expressions and wildcards.
Regular expressions (or regexps) are a well-known and powerful
system for pattern matching. Learning how to master them is beyond
the scope of this document. However, you will find a lot of documentation
on the web regarding this topic.
Although powerful, regexps can be overkill for most
typical Cocoon use cases where simple matching operations
are performed. This is why Cocoon offers a simplified
pattern matching system based on a small set of basic rules.
An asterisk ('*') matches zero or more characters,
up to the occurrence of a '/' character (which serves as
a path separator). A string, such as "/cocoon/docs/index.html",
would not
match successfully against the pattern '/*/*.index.html'.
The first asterisk matches up to the first path
separator only, resulting in the "cocoon" string.
A successful matching pattern would be '/*/*/*.html'.
A string containing two asterisks ('**') matches zero or more
characters. This could include the path separator '/'.
In this case, "/cocoon/docs/index.html" would successfully
match the '/**/*.html' pattern. The double asterisk, including the
path separator, would match the "cocoon/docs" string.
As with regexps, the backslash character ('\') is used to indicate an
escape sequence. The string '\*' will match an actual asterisk
while a double backslash ('\\') will match the character '\'. A
pattern such as "**/a-\*-is-born.html" would match strings
such as "documents/movies/a-*-is-born.html" or
"a/very/long/path/a-*-is-born.html". It would not match
the string "docs/a-star-is-born.html".
Matchers in Cocoon
WildCard URI matcher(The default matcher): matches the URI against a wildcard pattern.
Regexp URI matcher:
matches the URI against a full-blown regular expression
Request parameter
matcher: matches a request parameters given as a pattern. If
the parameter exists, its value is available for later substitution.
Wildcard request parameter matcher: matches a wildcard
given as a pattern against the value of a configured
Wildcard session parameter matcher: similar to the
Wildcard request parameter matcher, but it matches a session parameter.