Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
org.apache.xalan.lib.sql Provides extension functions for connecting to a JDBC data source, executing a query, and working incrementally through a "streamable" result set. 
org.apache.xalan.processor Parses an XSLT stylesheet document (which may include and import other stylesheet documents) and produces a StylesheetRoot (a TRaX Templates object). 
org.apache.xalan.templates Implements the Templates interface, and defines a set of classes that represent an XSLT stylesheet. 
org.apache.xml.utils Implementation of Xalan utility classes. 
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 

Uses of Element in org.apache.xalan.lib.sql

Methods in org.apache.xalan.lib.sql with parameters of type Element
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, Element protocolElem)
 XBooleanStatic XConnection.connect(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL, Element protocolElem)
          Create an XConnection object with a connection protocol
 void XConnection.addParameterFromElement(Element e)
          Add a single parameter to the parameter list formatted as an Element

Constructors in org.apache.xalan.lib.sql with parameters of type Element
XConnection.XConnection(ExpressionContext exprContext, java.lang.String driver, java.lang.String dbURL, Element protocolElem)

Uses of Element in org.apache.xalan.processor

Classes in org.apache.xalan.processor that implement Element
 class ProcessorCharacters
          This class processes character events for a XSLT template element.
 class ProcessorExsltFuncResult
          **For internal use only** This class processes parse events for an exslt func:result element.
 class ProcessorExsltFunction
          **For internal use only** This class processes parse events for an exslt func:function element.
 class ProcessorLRE
          **For internal use only** Processes an XSLT literal-result-element, or something that looks like one.
 class ProcessorStylesheetDoc
          **For internal use only** This class processes the xsl:stylesheet element.
 class ProcessorTemplateElem
          This class processes parse events for an XSLT template element.
 class ProcessorText
          Process xsl:text.
 class ProcessorUnknown
          **For internal use only** This class processes an unknown template element, and ignores the startElement and endElement events.
 class WhitespaceInfoPaths
 class XSLTElementProcessor
          This class acts as the superclass for all stylesheet element processors, and deals with things that are common to all elements.

Uses of Element in org.apache.xalan.templates

Classes in org.apache.xalan.templates that implement Element
 class DecimalFormatProperties
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:decimal-format.
 class ElemApplyImport
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:apply-imports.
 class ElemApplyTemplates
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:apply-templates.
 class ElemAttribute
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:attribute.
 class ElemAttributeSet
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:attribute-set.
 class ElemCallTemplate
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:call-template.
 class ElemChoose
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:choose.
 class ElemComment
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:comment.
 class ElemCopy
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:copy.
 class ElemCopyOf
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:copy-of.
 class ElemElement
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:element
 class ElemEmpty
          **For internal use only** Simple empty elem to push on the stack when nothing else got pushed, so that pop() works correctly.
 class ElemExsltFuncResult
          Handles the EXSLT result element within an EXSLT function element.
 class ElemExsltFunction
          **For advanced use only** Implement func:function.
 class ElemExtensionCall
          **For advanced use only** Implement an extension element.
 class ElemExtensionDecl
          **For internal use only** Implement the declaration of an extension element
 class ElemExtensionScript
          **For internal use only** Implement Script extension element
 class ElemFallback
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:fallback.
 class ElemForEach
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:for-each.
 class ElemIf
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:if.
 class ElemLiteralResult
          **For advanced use only** Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemMessage
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:message.
 class ElemNumber
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:number.
 class ElemOtherwise
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:otherwise.
 class ElemParam
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:param.
 class ElemPI
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:processing-instruction.
 class ElemSort
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:sort.
 class ElemTemplate
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTemplateElement
          **For advanced use only** An instance of this class represents an element inside an xsl:template class.
 class ElemText
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:template.
 class ElemTextLiteral
          **For advanced use only** Implement a text literal.
 class ElemUnknown
          **For advanced use only** Implement a Literal Result Element.
 class ElemUse
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:use.
 class ElemValueOf
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:value-of.
 class ElemVariable
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:variable.
 class ElemVariablePsuedo
 class ElemWhen
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:when.
 class ElemWithParam
          **For advanced use only** Implement xsl:with-param.
 class KeyDeclaration
          **For internal use only** Holds the attribute declarations for the xsl:keys element.
 class NamespaceAlias
          Object to hold an xsl:namespace element.
 class OutputProperties
          This class provides information from xsl:output elements.
 class Stylesheet
          Represents a stylesheet element.
 class StylesheetComposed
          Represents a stylesheet that has methods that resolve includes and imports.
 class StylesheetRoot
           This class represents the root object of the stylesheet tree.
 class WhiteSpaceInfo
          This is used as a special "fake" template that can be handled by the TemplateList to do pattern matching on nodes.

Methods in org.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type Element
 boolean ElemTemplateElement.shouldStripWhiteSpace(XPathContext support, Element targetElement)
          Get information about whether or not an element should strip whitespace.

Uses of Element in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref

Classes in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref that implement Element
 class DTMNodeProxy
          **For internal use only** DTMNodeProxy presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model.

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref that return Element
 Element DTMNodeProxy.getDocumentElement()
          This is a bit of a problem in DTM, since a DTM may be a Document Fragment and hence not have a clear-cut Document Element.
 Element DTMNodeProxy.createElement(java.lang.String tagName)
 Element DTMNodeProxy.createElementNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName)
 Element DTMNodeProxy.getElementById(java.lang.String elementId)
 Element DTMNodeProxy.getOwnerElement()
          Get the owner element of an attribute.

Uses of Element in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm

Methods in org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm that return Element
 Element DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode.getOwnerElement()

Uses of Element in org.apache.xml.utils

Classes in org.apache.xml.utils that implement Element
 class UnImplNode
          **For internal use only** To be subclassed by classes that wish to fake being nodes.

Methods in org.apache.xml.utils that return Element
 Element UnImplNode.getOwnerElement()
 Element UnImplNode.getDocumentElement()
 Element UnImplNode.createElement(java.lang.String tagName)
 Element UnImplNode.createElementNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName)
 Element UnImplNode.getElementById(java.lang.String elementId)
 Element DOMHelper.getElementByID(java.lang.String id, Document doc)
          Deprecated. Given an ID, return the element.
 Element DOM2Helper.getElementByID(java.lang.String id, Document doc)
          Deprecated. Given an XML ID, return the element.

Methods in org.apache.xml.utils with parameters of type Element
 java.lang.String DOMHelper.getNamespaceForPrefix(java.lang.String prefix, Element namespaceContext)
          Deprecated. Given an XML Namespace prefix and a context in which the prefix is to be evaluated, return the Namespace Name this prefix was bound to.
 java.lang.String DOMHelper.getExpandedElementName(Element elem)
          Deprecated. Returns the element name with the namespace prefix (if any) replaced by the Namespace URI it was bound to.
 void DOMBuilder.setIDAttribute(java.lang.String id, Element elem)
          Set an ID string to node association in the ID table.

Constructors in org.apache.xml.utils with parameters of type Element
QName.QName(java.lang.String qname, Element namespaceContext, PrefixResolver resolver)
          Construct a QName from a string, resolving the prefix using the given namespace context and prefix resolver.
QName.QName(java.lang.String qname, Element namespaceContext, PrefixResolver resolver, boolean validate)
          Construct a QName from a string, resolving the prefix using the given namespace context and prefix resolver.

Uses of Element in org.apache.xpath

Methods in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type Element
 boolean WhitespaceStrippingElementMatcher.shouldStripWhiteSpace(XPathContext support, Element targetElement)
          Get information about whether or not an element should strip whitespace.

Uses of Element in org.apache.xpath.domapi

Methods in org.apache.xpath.domapi that return Element
 Element XPathNamespaceImpl.getOwnerElement()

Uses of Element in org.w3c.dom

Methods in org.w3c.dom that return Element
 Element Attr.getOwnerElement()
          The Element node this attribute is attached to or null if this attribute is not in use.
 Element Document.getDocumentElement()
          This is a convenience attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the root element of the document.
 Element Document.createElement(java.lang.String tagName)
          Creates an element of the type specified.
 Element Document.createElementNS(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qualifiedName)
          Creates an element of the given qualified name and namespace URI.
 Element Document.getElementById(java.lang.String elementId)
          Returns the Element whose ID is given by elementId.

Uses of Element in org.w3c.dom.css

Methods in org.w3c.dom.css with parameters of type Element
 CSSStyleDeclaration ViewCSS.getComputedStyle(Element elt, java.lang.String pseudoElt)
          This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in .
 CSSStyleDeclaration DocumentCSS.getOverrideStyle(Element elt, java.lang.String pseudoElt)
          This method is used to retrieve the override style declaration for a specified element and a specified pseudo-element.

Uses of Element in org.w3c.dom.html

Subinterfaces of Element in org.w3c.dom.html
 interface HTMLAnchorElement
          The anchor element.
 interface HTMLAppletElement
          An embedded Java applet.
 interface HTMLAreaElement
          Client-side image map area definition.
 interface HTMLBaseElement
          Document base URI.
 interface HTMLBaseFontElement
          Base font.
 interface HTMLBlockquoteElement
          ??? See the BLOCKQUOTE element definition in HTML 4.0.
 interface HTMLBodyElement
          The HTML document body.
 interface HTMLBRElement
          Force a line break.
 interface HTMLButtonElement
          Push button.
 interface HTMLDirectoryElement
          Directory list.
 interface HTMLDivElement
          Generic block container.
 interface HTMLDListElement
          Definition list.
 interface HTMLElement
          All HTML element interfaces derive from this class.
 interface HTMLFieldSetElement
          Organizes form controls into logical groups.
 interface HTMLFontElement
          Local change to font.
 interface HTMLFormElement
          The FORM element encompasses behavior similar to acollection and an element.
 interface HTMLFrameElement
          Create a frame.
 interface HTMLFrameSetElement
          Create a grid of frames.
 interface HTMLHeadElement
          Document head information.
 interface HTMLHeadingElement
          For the H1 to H6 elements.
 interface HTMLHRElement
          Create a horizontal rule.
 interface HTMLHtmlElement
          Root of an HTML document.
 interface HTMLIFrameElement
          Inline subwindows.
 interface HTMLImageElement
          Embedded image.
 interface HTMLInputElement
          Form control.
 interface HTMLIsIndexElement
          This element is usedfor single-line text input.
 interface HTMLLabelElement
          Form field label text.
 interface HTMLLegendElement
          Provides a caption for a FIELDSET grouping.
 interface HTMLLIElement
          List item.
 interface HTMLLinkElement
          The LINK element specifies a link to an externalresource, and defines this document's relationship to that resource(or vice versa).
 interface HTMLMapElement
          Client-side image map.
 interface HTMLMenuElement
          Menu list.
 interface HTMLMetaElement
          This contains generic meta-information about the document.
 interface HTMLModElement
          Notice of modification to part of a document.
 interface HTMLObjectElement
          Generic embedded object.
 interface HTMLOListElement
          Ordered list.
 interface HTMLOptGroupElement
          Group options together in logical subdivisions.
 interface HTMLOptionElement
          A selectable choice.
 interface HTMLParagraphElement
 interface HTMLParamElement
          Parameters fed to the OBJECT element.
 interface HTMLPreElement
          Preformatted text.
 interface HTMLQuoteElement
          For the Q and BLOCKQUOTE elements.
 interface HTMLScriptElement
          Script statements.
 interface HTMLSelectElement
          The select element allows the selection of an option.
 interface HTMLStyleElement
          Style information.
 interface HTMLTableCaptionElement
          Table caption See the CAPTION element definition in HTML 4.0.
 interface HTMLTableCellElement
          The object used to represent the TH and TD elements.
 interface HTMLTableColElement
          Regroups the COL and COLGROUP elements.
 interface HTMLTableElement
          The create* and delete* methods on the table allow authors to constructand modify tables.
 interface HTMLTableRowElement
          A row in a table.
 interface HTMLTableSectionElement
          The THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODYelements.
 interface HTMLTextAreaElement
          Multi-line text field.
 interface HTMLTitleElement
          The document title.
 interface HTMLUListElement
          Unordered list.

Methods in org.w3c.dom.html that return Element
 Element HTMLDocument.getElementById(java.lang.String elementId)
          Returns the Element whose id is given by elementId.

Uses of Element in org.w3c.dom.xpath

Methods in org.w3c.dom.xpath that return Element
 Element XPathNamespace.getOwnerElement()
          The Element on which the namespace was in scope when it was requested.

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