Uses of Class

Packages that use Operation
org.apache.xpath Implementation of XPath; for the most part, only classes meant for public use are found at this root level of the XPath packages. 
org.apache.xpath.operations Support for XPath operations, such as +, -, string(), etc. 

Uses of Operation in org.apache.xpath

Methods in org.apache.xpath with parameters of type Operation
 boolean XPathVisitor.visitBinaryOperation(ExpressionOwner owner, Operation op)
          Visit a binary operation.

Uses of Operation in org.apache.xpath.operations

Subclasses of Operation in org.apache.xpath.operations
 class And
          The 'and' operation expression executer.
 class Div
          The 'div' operation expression executer.
 class Equals
          The '=' operation expression executer.
 class Gt
          The '>' operation expression executer.
 class Gte
          The '>=' operation expression executer.
 class Lt
          The '<' operation expression executer.
 class Lte
          The '<=' operation expression executer.
 class Minus
          The binary '-' operation expression executer.
 class Mod
          The 'mod' operation expression executer.
 class Mult
          The '*' operation expression executer.
 class NotEquals
          The '!=' operation expression executer.
 class Or
          The 'or' operation expression executer.
 class Plus
          The '+' operation expression executer.
 class Quo
          The 'quo' operation expression executer.

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