Package org.apache.xpath.axes

Implementation of XPath LocationPath support -- primary classes are LocPathIterator and UnionPathIterator.


Interface Summary
ContextNodeList **For advanced use only** Classes who implement this interface can be a current node list, also refered to here as a context node list.
PathComponent Classes who implement this information provide information needed for static analysis of a path component.
SubContextList **For advanced use only** A class that implements this interface is a sub context node list, meaning it is a node list for a location path step for a predicate.

Class Summary
AttributeIterator **For advanced use only** This class implements an optimized iterator for attribute axes patterns.
AxesWalker Serves as common interface for axes Walkers, and stores common state variables.
BasicTestIterator Base for iterators that handle predicates.
ChildIterator **For advanced use only** This class implements an optimized iterator for "node()" patterns, that is, any children of the context node.
ChildTestIterator **For advanced use only** This class implements an optimized iterator for children patterns that have a node test, and possibly a predicate.
DescendantIterator **For advanced use only** This class implements an optimized iterator for descendant, descendant-or-self, or "//foo" patterns.
FilterExprIteratorSimple Class to use for one-step iteration that doesn't have a predicate, and doesn't need to set the context.
FilterExprWalker Walker for the OP_VARIABLE, or OP_EXTFUNCTION, or OP_FUNCTION, or OP_GROUP, op codes.
IteratorPool **For internal use only** Pool of object of a given type to pick from to help memory usage
LocPathIterator **For advanced use only** This class extends NodeSetDTM, which implements NodeIterator, and fetches nodes one at a time in document order based on a XPath MatchPatternIterator This class treats a LocationPath as a filtered iteration over the tree, evaluating each node in a super axis traversal against the LocationPath interpreted as a match pattern.
NodeSequence This class is the dynamic wrapper for a Xalan DTMIterator instance, and provides random access capabilities.
OneStepIterator **For advanced use only** This class implements a general iterator for those LocationSteps with only one step, and perhaps a predicate.
OneStepIteratorForward **For advanced use only** This class implements a general iterator for those LocationSteps with only one step, and perhaps a predicate, that only go forward (i.e.
ReverseAxesWalker Walker for a reverse axes.
SelfIteratorNoPredicate **For advanced use only** This class implements an optimized iterator for "." patterns, that is, the self axes without any predicates.
UnionChildIterator This class defines a simplified type of union iterator that only tests along the child axes.
UnionPathIterator **For advanced use only** This class extends NodeSetDTM, which implements DTMIterator, and fetches nodes one at a time in document order based on a XPath UnionExpr.
WalkerFactory This class is both a factory for XPath location path expressions, which are built from the opcode map output, and an analysis engine for the location path expressions in order to provide optimization hints.
WalkingIterator Location path iterator that uses Walkers.
WalkingIteratorSorted **For internal use only** This class iterates over set of nodes that needs to be sorted.

Package org.apache.xpath.axes Description

Implementation of XPath LocationPath support -- primary classes are LocPathIterator and UnionPathIterator.

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