Class SAX2DTM2

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SAX2DTM2
extends SAX2DTM

SAX2DTM2 is an optimized version of SAX2DTM which is used in non-incremental situation. It is used as the super class of the XSLTC SAXImpl. Many of the interfaces in SAX2DTM and DTMDefaultBase are overridden in SAX2DTM2 in order to allow fast, efficient access to the DTM model. Some nested iterators in DTMDefaultBaseIterators are also overridden in SAX2DTM2 for performance reasons.

Performance is the biggest consideration in the design of SAX2DTM2. To make the code most efficient, the incremental support is dropped in SAX2DTM2, which means that you should not use it in incremental situation. To reduce the overhead of pulling data from the DTM model, a few core interfaces in SAX2DTM2 have direct access to the internal arrays of the SuballocatedIntVectors.

The design of SAX2DTM2 may limit its extensibilty. If you have a reason to extend the SAX2DTM model, please extend from SAX2DTM instead of this class.

TODO: This class is currently only used by XSLTC. We need to investigate the possibility of also using it in Xalan-J Interpretive. Xalan's performance is likely to get an instant boost if we use SAX2DTM2 instead of SAX2DTM in non-incremental case.

%MK% The code in this class is critical to the XSLTC_DTM performance. Be very careful when making changes here!

Inner Class Summary
 class SAX2DTM2.AncestorIterator
          Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order.
 class SAX2DTM2.AttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
 class SAX2DTM2.ChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.DescendantIterator
          Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.FollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.FollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.ParentIterator
          Iterator that returns the parent of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.PrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.PrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedAncestorIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedAttributeIterator
          Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedChildrenIterator
          Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedDescendantIterator
          Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedFollowingIterator
          Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedPrecedingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
          Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedRootIterator
          Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
 class SAX2DTM2.TypedSingletonIterator
          Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.
Inner classes inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBaseIterators
DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AncestorIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.AttributeIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ChildrenIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.DescendantIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.FollowingSiblingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.InternalAxisIteratorBase, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceAttributeIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceChildrenIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NamespaceIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.NthDescendantIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.ParentIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.PrecedingSiblingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.RootIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.SingletonIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAncestorIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedAttributeIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedChildrenIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedDescendantIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedFollowingSiblingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedNamespaceIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedRootIterator, DTMDefaultBaseIterators.TypedSingletonIterator
Fields inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBase
Constructor Summary
SAX2DTM2(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing)
          Construct a SAX2DTM2 object using the default block size.
SAX2DTM2(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing, int blocksize, boolean usePrevsib, boolean buildIdIndex)
          Construct a SAX2DTM2 object using the given block size.
Method Summary
 int _exptype(int identity)
          Override DTMDefaultBase._exptype() by dropping the incremental code.
 int _exptype2(int identity)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._exptype().
 int _exptype2Type(int exptype)
          Return the node type from the expanded type
 int _firstch2(int identity)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._firstch().
 int _nextsib2(int identity)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._nextsib().
 int _parent2(int identity)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._parent().
 int _type2(int identity)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._type().
 void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Report an XML comment anywhere in the document.
 void dispatchCharactersEvents(int nodeHandle, ContentHandler ch, boolean normalize)
          The optimized version of SAX2DTM.dispatchCharactersEvents(int, ContentHandler, boolean).
 void endDocument()
          Receive notification of the end of the document.
 void endElement(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName)
          Receive notification of the end of an element.
 int getExpandedTypeID2(int nodeHandle)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase.getExpandedTypeID(int).
 int getFirstAttribute(int nodeHandle)
          The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase.getFirstAttribute().
 int getIdForNamespace(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a prefix either from the uri mapping, or just make one up!
 java.lang.String getLocalName(int nodeHandle)
          Override SAX2DTM.getLocalName() in SAX2DTM2.
 java.lang.String getNodeName(int nodeHandle)
          The optimized version of SAX2DTM.getNodeName().
 java.lang.String getNodeNameX(int nodeHandle)
          The optimized version of SAX2DTM.getNodeNameX().
 java.lang.String getNodeValue(int nodeHandle)
          Given a node handle, return its node value.
 java.lang.String getStringValue()
          Returns the string value of the entire tree
 XMLString getStringValue(int nodeHandle)
          Override SAX2DTM.getStringValue(int)
 java.lang.String getStringValueX(int nodeHandle)
          The optimized version of SAX2DTM.getStringValue(int).
 void processingInstruction(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String data)
          Override the processingInstruction() interface in SAX2DTM2.
 void startDocument()
          Receive notification of the beginning of the document.
 void startElement(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName, Attributes attributes)
          Override SAX2DTM.startElement()
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2DTM
attributeDecl, characters, clearCoRoutine, clearCoRoutine, dispatchToEvents, elementDecl, endCDATA, endDTD, endEntity, endPrefixMapping, error, externalEntityDecl, fatalError, getAttributeNode, getContentHandler, getDeclHandler, getDocumentTypeDeclarationPublicIdentifier, getDocumentTypeDeclarationSystemIdentifier, getDTDHandler, getElementById, getEntityResolver, getErrorHandler, getLexicalHandler, getNamespaceURI, getNamespaceURI, getNumberOfNodes, getPrefix, getPrefix, getSourceLocatorFor, getUnparsedEntityURI, ignorableWhitespace, internalEntityDecl, isAttributeSpecified, isWhitespace, needsTwoThreads, notationDecl, resolveEntity, setDocumentLocator, setIDAttribute, setIncrementalSAXSource, setProperty, setUseSourceLocation, skippedEntity, startCDATA, startDTD, startEntity, startPrefixMapping, unparsedEntityDecl, warning
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBaseIterators
getAxisIterator, getTypedAxisIterator
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBaseTraversers
Methods inherited from class org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDefaultBase
appendChild, appendTextChild, documentRegistration, documentRelease, dumpDTM, dumpNode, getDocument, getDocumentAllDeclarationsProcessed, getDocumentBaseURI, getDocumentEncoding, getDocumentRoot, getDocumentStandalone, getDocumentSystemIdentifier, getDocumentVersion, getDTMIDs, getExpandedTypeID, getExpandedTypeID, getFirstChild, getFirstNamespaceNode, getLastChild, getLevel, getLocalNameFromExpandedNameID, getManager, getNamespaceFromExpandedNameID, getNamespaceType, getNextAttribute, getNextNamespaceNode, getNextSibling, getNode, getNodeHandle, getNodeIdent, getNodeType, getOwnerDocument, getParent, getPreviousSibling, getStringValueChunk, getStringValueChunkCount, getTypedFirstChild, getTypedNextSibling, hasChildNodes, isCharacterElementContentWhitespace, isDocumentAllDeclarationsProcessed, isNodeAfter, isSupported, makeNodeHandle, makeNodeIdentity, setDocumentBaseURI, setFeature, supportsPreStripping
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SAX2DTM2(DTMManager mgr,
                Source source,
                int dtmIdentity,
                DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter,
                XMLStringFactory xstringfactory,
                boolean doIndexing)
Construct a SAX2DTM2 object using the default block size.


public SAX2DTM2(DTMManager mgr,
                Source source,
                int dtmIdentity,
                DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter,
                XMLStringFactory xstringfactory,
                boolean doIndexing,
                int blocksize,
                boolean usePrevsib,
                boolean buildIdIndex)
Construct a SAX2DTM2 object using the given block size.
Method Detail


public final int _exptype(int identity)
Override DTMDefaultBase._exptype() by dropping the incremental code.

This one is less efficient than _exptype2. It is only used during DTM building. _exptype2 is used after the document is fully built.


public final int _exptype2(int identity)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._exptype().


public final int _nextsib2(int identity)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._nextsib().


public final int _firstch2(int identity)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._firstch().


public final int _parent2(int identity)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._parent().


public final int _type2(int identity)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase._type().


public final int getExpandedTypeID2(int nodeHandle)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase.getExpandedTypeID(int).

This one is only used by DOMAdapter.getExpandedTypeID(int), which is mostly called from the compiled translets.


public final int _exptype2Type(int exptype)
Return the node type from the expanded type


public int getIdForNamespace(java.lang.String uri)
Get a prefix either from the uri mapping, or just make one up!
uri - The namespace URI, which may be null.
The prefix if there is one, or null.
getIdForNamespace in class SAX2DTM


public void startElement(java.lang.String uri,
                         java.lang.String localName,
                         java.lang.String qName,
                         Attributes attributes)
                  throws SAXException
Override SAX2DTM.startElement()

Receive notification of the start of an element.

By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the start of each element (such as allocating a new tree node or writing output to a file).

name - The element type name.
uri - The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
localName - The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
qName - The qualified name (with prefix), or the empty string if qualified names are not available.
attributes - The specified or defaulted attributes.
SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
startElement in class SAX2DTM
See Also:
ContentHandler.startElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes)


public void endElement(java.lang.String uri,
                       java.lang.String localName,
                       java.lang.String qName)
                throws SAXException
Receive notification of the end of an element.

By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the end of each element (such as finalising a tree node or writing output to a file).

name - The element type name.
attributes - The specified or defaulted attributes.
uri - The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
localName - The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
qName - The qualified XML 1.0 name (with prefix), or the empty string if qualified names are not available.
SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
endElement in class SAX2DTM
See Also:
ContentHandler.endElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public void comment(char[] ch,
                    int start,
                    int length)
             throws SAXException
Report an XML comment anywhere in the document.

This callback will be used for comments inside or outside the document element, including comments in the external DTD subset (if read).

ch - An array holding the characters in the comment.
start - The starting position in the array.
length - The number of characters to use from the array.
SAXException - The application may raise an exception.
comment in class SAX2DTM


public void startDocument()
                   throws SAXException
Receive notification of the beginning of the document.
SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
startDocument in class SAX2DTM
See Also:


public void endDocument()
                 throws SAXException
Receive notification of the end of the document.
SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
endDocument in class SAX2DTM
See Also:


public void processingInstruction(java.lang.String target,
                                  java.lang.String data)
                           throws SAXException
Override the processingInstruction() interface in SAX2DTM2.

%OPT% This one is different from SAX2DTM.processingInstruction() in that we do not use extended types for PI nodes. The name of the PI is saved in the DTMStringPool. Receive notification of a processing instruction.

target - The processing instruction target.
data - The processing instruction data, or null if none is supplied.
SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
processingInstruction in class SAX2DTM
See Also:
ContentHandler.processingInstruction(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public final int getFirstAttribute(int nodeHandle)
The optimized version of DTMDefaultBase.getFirstAttribute().

Given a node handle, get the index of the node's first attribute.

nodeHandle - int Handle of the node.
Handle of first attribute, or DTM.NULL to indicate none exists.
getFirstAttribute in class DTMDefaultBase


public java.lang.String getLocalName(int nodeHandle)
Override SAX2DTM.getLocalName() in SAX2DTM2.

Processing for PIs is different. Given a node handle, return its XPath- style localname. (As defined in Namespaces, this is the portion of the name after any colon character).

nodeHandle - the id of the node.
String Local name of this node.
getLocalName in class SAX2DTM


public final java.lang.String getNodeNameX(int nodeHandle)
The optimized version of SAX2DTM.getNodeNameX().

Given a node handle, return the XPath node name. This should be the name as described by the XPath data model, NOT the DOM- style name.

nodeHandle - the id of the node.
String Name of this node, which may be an empty string.
getNodeNameX in class SAX2DTM


public java.lang.String getNodeName(int nodeHandle)
The optimized version of SAX2DTM.getNodeName().

Given a node handle, return its DOM-style node name. This will include names such as #text or #document.

nodeHandle - the id of the node.
String Name of this node, which may be an empty string. %REVIEW% Document when empty string is possible... %REVIEW-COMMENT% It should never be empty, should it?
getNodeName in class SAX2DTM


public XMLString getStringValue(int nodeHandle)
Override SAX2DTM.getStringValue(int)

This method is only used by Xalan-J Interpretive. It is not used by XSLTC.

If the caller supplies an XMLStringFactory, the getStringValue() interface in SAX2DTM will be called. Otherwise just calls getStringValueX() and wraps the returned String in an XMLString. Get the string-value of a node as a String object (see for the definition of a node's string-value).

nodeHandle - The node ID.
A string object that represents the string-value of the given node.
getStringValue in class SAX2DTM


public final java.lang.String getStringValueX(int nodeHandle)
The optimized version of SAX2DTM.getStringValue(int).

%OPT% This is one of the most often used interfaces. Performance is critical here. This one is different from SAX2DTM.getStringValue(int) in that it returns a String instead of a XMLString. Get the string- value of a node as a String object (see http: //www. w3. org/TR/xpath#data- model for the definition of a node's string- value).

nodeHandle - The node ID.
A string object that represents the string-value of the given node.


public java.lang.String getStringValue()
Returns the string value of the entire tree


public final void dispatchCharactersEvents(int nodeHandle,
                                           ContentHandler ch,
                                           boolean normalize)
                                    throws SAXException
The optimized version of SAX2DTM.dispatchCharactersEvents(int, ContentHandler, boolean).

Directly call the characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the string-value of the given node (see for the definition of a node's string-value). Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.

nodeHandle - The node ID.
ch - A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
normalize - true if the content should be normalized according to the rules for the XPath normalize-space function.
SAXException -  
dispatchCharactersEvents in class SAX2DTM


public java.lang.String getNodeValue(int nodeHandle)
Given a node handle, return its node value. This is mostly as defined by the DOM, but may ignore some conveniences.

nodeHandle - The node id.
String Value of this node, or null if not meaningful for this node type.
getNodeValue in class SAX2DTM

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