Interface IncrementalSAXSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
IncrementalSAXSource_Filter, IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces

public interface IncrementalSAXSource

IncrementalSAXSource is an API that delivers a small number of SAX events each time a request is made from a "controller" coroutine. See IncrementalSAXFilter and IncrementalSAXFilter_Xerces for examples. Note that interaction is via the deliverMoreNodes method, and therefore coroutine support is not exposed here.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object deliverMoreNodes(boolean parsemore)
          deliverMoreNodes() is a simple API which tells the thread in which the IncrementalSAXSource is running to deliver more events (true), or stop delivering events and close out its input (false).
 void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler)
          Register a SAX-style content handler for us to output to
 void setDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler)
          Register a SAX-style DTD handler for us to output to
 void setLexicalHandler(LexicalHandler handler)
          Register a SAX-style lexical handler for us to output to
 void startParse(InputSource source)
          Launch an XMLReader's parsing operation, feeding events to this IncrementalSAXSource.

Method Detail


public void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler)
Register a SAX-style content handler for us to output to


public void setLexicalHandler(LexicalHandler handler)
Register a SAX-style lexical handler for us to output to


public void setDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler)
Register a SAX-style DTD handler for us to output to


public java.lang.Object deliverMoreNodes(boolean parsemore)
deliverMoreNodes() is a simple API which tells the thread in which the IncrementalSAXSource is running to deliver more events (true), or stop delivering events and close out its input (false). This is intended to be called from one of our partner coroutines, and serves to encapsulate the coroutine communication protocol.
parsemore - If true, tells the incremental SAX stream to deliver another chunk of events. If false, finishes out the stream.
Boolean.TRUE if the IncrementalSAXSource believes more data may be available for further parsing. Boolean.FALSE if parsing ran to completion, or was ended by deliverMoreNodes(false).


public void startParse(InputSource source)
                throws SAXException
Launch an XMLReader's parsing operation, feeding events to this IncrementalSAXSource. In some implementations, this may launch a thread which runs the previously supplied XMLReader's parse() operation. In others, it may do other forms of initialization.
SAXException - is parse thread is already in progress or parsing can not be started.

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