Class NodeCounter

Direct Known Subclasses:
AnyNodeCounter, MultipleNodeCounter, SingleNodeCounter

public abstract class NodeCounter
extends java.lang.Object
implements Axis

Field Summary
 DOM _document
 DTMAxisIterator _iterator
 Translet _translet
static int END
Method Summary
abstract  java.lang.String getCounter()
          Returns the position of node according to the level and the from and count patterns.
 java.lang.String getCounter(java.lang.String format, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String letterValue, java.lang.String groupSep, java.lang.String groupSize)
          Returns the position of node according to the level and the from and count patterns.
 boolean matchesCount(int node)
          Returns true if node matches the count pattern.
 boolean matchesFrom(int node)
          Returns true if node matches the from pattern.
 NodeCounter setDefaultFormatting()
          Sets formatting fields to their default values.
abstract  NodeCounter setStartNode(int node)
          Set the start node for this counter.
 NodeCounter setValue(int value)
          If the user specified a value attribute, use this instead of counting nodes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int END


public final DOM _document


public final DTMAxisIterator _iterator


public final Translet _translet
Method Detail


public abstract NodeCounter setStartNode(int node)
Set the start node for this counter. The same NodeCounter object can be used multiple times by resetting the starting node.


public NodeCounter setValue(int value)
If the user specified a value attribute, use this instead of counting nodes.


public NodeCounter setDefaultFormatting()
Sets formatting fields to their default values.


public abstract java.lang.String getCounter()
Returns the position of node according to the level and the from and count patterns.


public java.lang.String getCounter(java.lang.String format,
                                   java.lang.String lang,
                                   java.lang.String letterValue,
                                   java.lang.String groupSep,
                                   java.lang.String groupSize)
Returns the position of node according to the level and the from and count patterns. This position is converted into a string based on the arguments passed.


public boolean matchesCount(int node)
Returns true if node matches the count pattern. By default a node matches the count patterns if it is of the same type as the starting node.


public boolean matchesFrom(int node)
Returns true if node matches the from pattern. By default, no node matches the from pattern.

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