Class GenerateEvent


public class GenerateEvent
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.util.EventListener

**For advanced use only** Event generated by the XSL processor after it generates a new node in the result tree. This event responds to and is modeled on the SAX events that are sent to the formatter listener FormatterToXXX)classes.

See Also:
DOMBuilder, org.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToHTML, org.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToText, org.apache.xalan.serialize.SerializerToXML

Field Summary
 Attributes m_atts
          The current attribute list.
 char[] m_characters
          Character data from a character or cdata event.
 java.lang.String m_data
          The string data in the element (comments and PIs).
 int m_eventtype
          The type of SAX event that was generated, as enumerated in the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants below.
 int m_length
          The length of the current data in m_characters.
 java.lang.String m_name
          The name of the element or PI.
 TransformerImpl m_processor
          The XSLT Transformer, which either directly or indirectly contains most needed information.
 int m_start
          The start position of the current data in m_characters.
Constructor Summary
GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor, int eventType)
          Constructor for startDocument, endDocument events.
GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor, int eventType, char[] ch, int start, int length)
          Constructor for characters, cdate events.
GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor, int eventType, java.lang.String data)
          Constructor for comment and entity ref events.
GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor, int eventType, java.lang.String name, Attributes atts)
          Constructor for startElement, endElement events.
GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor, int eventType, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String data)
          Constructor for processingInstruction events.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public TransformerImpl m_processor
The XSLT Transformer, which either directly or indirectly contains most needed information.
See Also:


public int m_eventtype
The type of SAX event that was generated, as enumerated in the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants below.


public char[] m_characters
Character data from a character or cdata event.


public int m_start
The start position of the current data in m_characters.


public int m_length
The length of the current data in m_characters.


public java.lang.String m_name
The name of the element or PI.


public java.lang.String m_data
The string data in the element (comments and PIs).


public Attributes m_atts
The current attribute list.
Constructor Detail


public GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor,
                     int eventType)
Constructor for startDocument, endDocument events.
processor - The XSLT TransformerFactory instance.
eventType - One of the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants.


public GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor,
                     int eventType,
                     java.lang.String name,
                     Attributes atts)
Constructor for startElement, endElement events.
processor - The XSLT TransformerFactory Instance.
eventType - One of the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants.
name - The name of the element.
atts - The SAX attribute list.


public GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor,
                     int eventType,
                     char[] ch,
                     int start,
                     int length)
Constructor for characters, cdate events.
processor - The XSLT TransformerFactory instance.
eventType - One of the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants.
ch - The char array from the SAX event.
start - The start offset to be used in the char array.
length - The end offset to be used in the chara array.


public GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor,
                     int eventType,
                     java.lang.String name,
                     java.lang.String data)
Constructor for processingInstruction events.
processor - The instance of the XSLT processor.
eventType - One of the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants.
name - The name of the processing instruction.
data - The processing instruction data.


public GenerateEvent(TransformerImpl processor,
                     int eventType,
                     java.lang.String data)
Constructor for comment and entity ref events.
processor - The XSLT processor instance.
eventType - One of the EVENTTYPE_XXX constants.
data - The comment or entity ref data.

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