The XML:DB generators are currently unmaintained and going to be
deprecated soon. Please use the XML:DB pseudo-protocol instead.
XML:DB Collection Generator
As for the filesystem there are two generators provided (a file
generator and a directory generator), so is for XML:DB, which
can roughly be tought as an XML filesystem, where Collections
stand for directories and Resources stand for (XML) files.
This generator outputs a list of collections and resources
given a starting collection. It can be used together with
the XMLDBGeneratot, and coupled with the appropriate XSLT,
to easily navigate any XML:DB compliant database.
Name: xmldbcollection
Class: org.apache.cocoon.generation.XMLDBCollectionGenerator
Cacheable: no
The configuration is the same of the XMLDBGenerator: it needsi
a driver (a class name) and base URI. An example
configuration, based on the stock dbXML implementation, will look like
 |  |  |
<map:generator name="xmldbcollection"
|  |
 |  |  |
Note that the content of the "base" tag will be prepended to the
requested resource. It's important to keep a trailing slash at the
end of the base tag.