LinkStatus Generator
The LinkStatus Generator emits a list of links that are reachable. Please note that it is available only in Cocoon 2.1.
The LinkStatusGenerator has serveral configuration options.
include-name -
- RE pattern for including links
By default include-name is empty.
exclude-name -
- RE pattern for excluding links.
By default exclude-name is defined as
link-content-type -
- expected MIME type of xml document requested on view
By default link-content-type is set to
application/x-cocoon-links .
link-view-query -
- A query-string appended to the crawling URL
By default link-view-query is set to
cocoon-view=links .
user-agent -
- HTTP user-agent for requesting links,
By default
user-agent is set to
value of org.apache.cocoon.Constants.COMPLETE_NAME ,
ie. Apache Cocoon 2.1-dev
accept -
- Not currently used
Name : linkStatus
Class: org.apache.cocoon.generation.LinkStatusGenerator
Cacheable: no.
A simple example might help to use the LinkStatusGenerator effectivly:
Add the LinkStatusGenerator to the components in your sitemap.xmap
 |  |  |
<map:generators default="file">
<map:generator name="linkStatus"
<map:serialize default="html">
<map:serializer name="links"
<map:view from-position="last" name="links">
<map:serialize type="links"/>
|  |
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Next define in your pipeline to use the LinkStatusGenerator
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<map:match pattern="/linkStatus">
<map:generate type="linkStatus" name="my-root"/>
|  |
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