Package org.apache.cocoon

Interface Summary
Constants The Constants use throughout the core of the Cocoon engine.
Modifiable This interface is implemented by those classes that change their behavior/results over time (non-ergodic).
Notificable Deprecated. Now another interface is used

Class Summary
Cocoon The Cocoon Object is the main Kernel for the entire Cocoon system.
Main Command line entry point.
Notification Deprecated. Now another interface is used
Notifier Deprecated. Now another class is used
ProcessorWrapper This class is a wrapper around the real processor (the Cocoon class).

Exception Summary
ConnectionResetException This Exception is thrown every time a component detects an exception due to a connection reset by peer.
ProcessingException This Exception is thrown every time there is a problem in processing a request.
ResourceNotFoundException This Exception is thrown every time there is a problem in finding a resource.

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