Package org.apache.cocoon.matching

Interface Summary
PreparableMatcher A matcher that can prepare patterns during sitemap setup for faster match at request time.

Class Summary
AbstractPreparableMatcher A matcher that can prepare patterns during sitemap setup for faster match at request time.
AbstractRegexpMatcher Base class for all matchers using a regular expression pattern.
AbstractWildcardMatcher Base class for wildcard matchers
CookieMatcher Matches cookies agains given name.
HeaderMatcher This class allows for matching based on a request header.
ParameterMatcher This class allows for matching based on a parameter provided from the sitemap.
RegexpHeaderMatcher Matches a request header (e.g.
RegexpHostMatcher Matches the target host ("Host" request header) against a regular expression.
RegexpParameterMatcher Matches a sitemap parameter against a regular expression.
RegexpRequestAttributeMatcher Matches a request attribute against a regular expression.
RegexpRequestParameterMatcher Matches a request parameter against a regular expression.
RegexpSessionAttributeMatcher Matches a session attribute against a regular expression.
RegexpTargetHostMatcher Deprecated. Renamed to RegexpHostMatcher
RegexpTargetHostMatcherFactory Deprecated. replaced by RegexpHostMatcher - code factories should no longer be used
RegexpURIMatcher Matches the request URIs against a regular expression pattern.
RegexpURIMatcherFactory Deprecated. replaced by RegexpURIMatcher - code factories should no longer be used
RequestAttributeMatcher This class allows for matching based on a request attribute.
RequestParameterMatcher This class allows for matching based on a request parameter.
RequestParamMatcher Deprecated. Renamed to RequestParameterMatcher
SessionAttributeMatcher This class allows for matching based on a session attribute.
WildcardHeaderMatcher Matches a request header (e.g.
WildcardHeaderMatcherFactory Deprecated. replaced by WildcardHeaderMatcher - code factories should no longer be used
WildcardHostMatcher Matches the target host ("Host" request header) against a wildcard expression.
WildcardParameterMatcher Matches a sitemap parameter against a wildcard expression.
WildcardParameterValueMatcher Deprecated. Renamed to WildcardRequestParameterMatcher
WildcardParameterValueMatcherFactory Deprecated. replaced by WildcardRequestParameterMatcher - code factories should no longer be used
WildcardRequestAttributeMatcher Matches a request attribute against a wildcard expression.
WildcardRequestParameterMatcher Matches a request parameter against a wildcard expression.
WildcardSessionAttributeMatcher Matches a session attribute against a wildcard expression.
WildcardSessionAttributeMatcherFactory Deprecated. replaced by WildcardSessionAttributeMatcher - code factories should no longer be used
WildcardURIMatcher Match the request URI against a wildcard expression.
WildcardURIMatcherFactory Deprecated. replaced by WildcardURIMatcher - code factories should no longer be used

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