Class WildcardHelper


public class WildcardHelper
extends java.lang.Object

This class is an utility class that perform wilcard-patterns matching and isolation.

CVS $Id:,v 2002/07/15 14:42:50 cziegeler Exp $
Pierpaolo Fumagalli (Apache Software Foundation, Exoffice Technologies), Giacomo Pati, Stefano Mazzocchi, Berin Loritsch

Field Summary
protected static int MATCH_BEGIN
          The int representing begin in the pattern int [].
protected static int MATCH_END
          The int value that terminates the pattern int [].
protected static int MATCH_FILE
          The int representing '*' in the pattern int [].
protected static int MATCH_PATH
          The int representing '**' in the pattern int [].
protected static int MATCH_THEEND
          The int representing end in pattern int [].
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int[] compilePattern(java.lang.String data)
          Translate the given String into a int [] representing the pattern matchable by this class.
protected static int indexOfArray(int[] r, int rpos, int rend, char[] d, int dpos)
          Get the offset of a part of an int array within a char array.
protected static int lastIndexOfArray(int[] r, int rpos, int rend, char[] d, int dpos)
          Get the offset of a last occurance of an int array within a char array.
static boolean match(java.util.HashMap map, java.lang.String data, int[] expr)
          match a pattern agains a string and isolates wildcard replacement into a Stack.
protected static boolean matchArray(int[] r, int rpos, int rend, char[] d, int dpos)
          Matches elements of array r from rpos to rend with array d, starting from dpos.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int MATCH_FILE
The int representing '*' in the pattern int [].


protected static final int MATCH_PATH
The int representing '**' in the pattern int [].


protected static final int MATCH_BEGIN
The int representing begin in the pattern int [].


protected static final int MATCH_THEEND
The int representing end in pattern int [].


protected static final int MATCH_END
The int value that terminates the pattern int [].
Constructor Detail


public WildcardHelper()
Method Detail


public static int[] compilePattern(java.lang.String data)
                            throws java.lang.NullPointerException
Translate the given String into a int [] representing the pattern matchable by this class.
This function translates a String into an int array converting the special '*' and '\' characters.
Here is how the conversion algorithm works: When more than two '*' characters, not separated by another character, are found their value is considered as '**' (MATCH_PATH).
The array is always terminated by a special value (MATCH_END).
All MATCH* values are less than zero, while normal characters are equal or greater.
data - The string to translate.
The encoded string as an int array, terminated by the MATCH_END value (don't consider the array length).
java.lang.NullPointerException - If data is null.


public static boolean match(java.util.HashMap map,
                            java.lang.String data,
                            int[] expr)
                     throws java.lang.NullPointerException
match a pattern agains a string and isolates wildcard replacement into a Stack.


protected static int indexOfArray(int[] r,
                                  int rpos,
                                  int rend,
                                  char[] d,
                                  int dpos)
Get the offset of a part of an int array within a char array.
This method return the index in d of the first occurrence after dpos of that part of array specified by r, starting at rpos and terminating at rend.
r - The array containing the data that need to be matched in d.
rpos - The index of the first character in r to look for.
rend - The index of the last character in r to look for plus 1.
d - The array of char that should contain a part of r.
dpos - The starting offset in d for the matching.
The offset in d of the part of r matched in d or -1 if that was not found.


protected static int lastIndexOfArray(int[] r,
                                      int rpos,
                                      int rend,
                                      char[] d,
                                      int dpos)
Get the offset of a last occurance of an int array within a char array.
This method return the index in d of the last occurrence after dpos of that part of array specified by r, starting at rpos and terminating at rend.
r - The array containing the data that need to be matched in d.
rpos - The index of the first character in r to look for.
rend - The index of the last character in r to look for plus 1.
d - The array of char that should contain a part of r.
dpos - The starting offset in d for the matching.
The offset in d of the last part of r matched in d or -1 if that was not found.


protected static boolean matchArray(int[] r,
                                    int rpos,
                                    int rend,
                                    char[] d,
                                    int dpos)
Matches elements of array r from rpos to rend with array d, starting from dpos.
This method return true if elements of array r from rpos to rend equals elements of array d starting from dpos to dpos+(rend-rpos).
r - The array containing the data that need to be matched in d.
rpos - The index of the first character in r to look for.
d - The array of char that should start from a part of r.
dpos - The starting offset in d for the matching.
true if array d starts from portion of array r.

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