Package org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline

Interface Summary
CacheableEventPipeline This marker interface declares an EventPipeline as cacheable.
EventPipeline A pipeline that produces SAX events using a Generator and zero or more Transformers.
OutputComponentSelector A ComponentSelector for output components used by a StreamPipeline.
StreamPipeline A StreamPipeline either collects a Reader and let it produce a character stream or connects an EventPipeline with a Serializer and let them produce the byte stream A StreamPipeline is Recomposable since the ComponentManager used to get the reader or serializer depends on the pipeline assembly engine where they are defined (i.e. a given sitemap file).

Class Summary
AbstractStreamPipeline A ResourcePipeline either collects a Reader and let it process or connects a EventPipeline with a Serializer and let them produce the requested resource
CachingEventPipeline The CachingEventPipeline If all components of this event pipeline are cacheable then the whole pipeline is also cacheable.
CachingStreamPipeline A StreamPipeline either collects a Reader and let it process or connects a EventPipeline with a Serializer and let them produce the requested resource This stream pipeline is able to cache the response, if a) the serializer is cacheable b) the EventPipeline is cacheable
NonCachingStreamPipeline A ResourcePipeline either collects a Reader and let it process or connects a EventPipeline with a Serializer and let them produce the requested resource

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