Admin Guide for PHP 5.0.4
- Whats new
- Enabling PHP
- Extensions for PHP
- Enabling PHP extensions
- Enabling Oracle extension
GUI Setup and Overview
- Enabling PHP
- Overview of PHP Configuration and Extensions
Migration from PHP4 to PHP5
- What has changed in PHP 5
- Backward Incompatible Changes
- Migrating Configuration Files
- New Functions
- New Directives
- Databases
- New Object Model
- Error Reporting
- DOM Extension
Additional Information
- Apachectl
- Environment variables
Legal Notices
PHP is a server-side scripting language that allows for easy development of
complex web-based applications. It is open source, runs on many platforms and
has a short learning curve.
HP-UX Apache-based Web Server also features several useful PHP extensions.
Additional extensions are available from the PHP open source community.
Whats New
This release contains PHP version 5.0.4. To see a log of changes point your
browser to
This release includes a new extension, the DOM extension. It is a replacement for
the DOMXML extension from PHP 4.
Enabling PHP
Uncomment the following line from httpd.conf:
LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
Extensions for PHP
HP-UX Apache-based Web Server comes bundled with some useful extensions for
PHP. These extensions enhance the functionality available to PHP scripts.
Complete technical documentation for these extensions along with sample
code is available at http://www.php.net
The following extensions are part of the HP-UX Apache-based Web Server bundle
- Sockets (sockets.sl):
Provides an interface to the socket communication functions based on
the popular BSD sockets.
Dependency: None
- Ftp (ftp.sl):
Provides client access to file servers speaking the File Transfer
Protocol (FTP)
Dependency: None
- Ldap (ldap.sl):
Use this extension to connect to Directory Servers using the LDAP
Dependency: None
- PostgreSQL (pgsql.sl):
Provides access to PostgreSQL databases. Currently this extension is
supported on HP-UX 11.11, HP-UX 11.23 32-bit and HP-UX 11.23 64-bit
versions of HP-UX Apache-based Web Server when used with the PostgreSQL
available in HP-UX Internet Express. HP-UX Internet Express is not
available on HP-UX 11.00. This extension may however work on 11.00 when
used with third party distributions of PostgreSQL database 7.3.1 and
PostgreSQL database is available as part of HP-UX
Internet Express collection. This can be downloaded from
- Oracle (oci8.sl):
Allows access to Oracle databases. It uses the Oracle 8 call-Interface
(OCI8). For more information, refer to the section:
Enabling Oracle extension
Needs Oracle client side libraries version 8.1.6 or better
- Network Information System (yp.sl) :
Allows network management of important administrative files
(e.g. the password file). This extension is also referred
to by the name Yellow Pages.
Dependency: None
- Dom (dom.sl):
The DOM extension is a replacement for the DOMXML extension from PHP 4.
The extension allows you to operate on an XML document with the
libxml2 version 2.6.23
libxslt version 1.1.15
- Zlib (zlib.sl):
This module enables you to transparently read and write gzip (.gz)
compressed files, through versions of most of the file system functions
which work with gzip-compressed files (and uncompressed files, too,
but not with sockets).
zlib version 1.2.3
- Image (gd.sl) :
Is used to create and manipulate image files in a variety of different
image formats like png, jpg, wbmp, and xpm.
libjpeg version 6b
libpng version 1.0.11
libxpm version 3.4k
libfreetype version 2.1.2
t1lib version 5.0.0 (SHOULD be installed in /usr/local/lib)
Note: libgd is no longer required. It is built into the extension's
- Crack (crack.sl):
This provdies an interface to the CrackLib library which is used to
test the strength of passwords. It is still in the experimental phase,
and the behavior of this extension may change without notice in a
future version of PHP.
cracklib version 2.8.3
- MySQL (mysql.sl):
The MySQL extension provides access to MySQL databases. This extension was built
into the core php binary in PHP 4.x. Starting from PHP 5.x, it is not delivered
as part of the core php binary. Instead it comes as an extension library which
has to be loaded via php.ini configuration file. Currently this extension is
supported only on HP-UX 11.11 and HP-UX 11.23 32-bit version of HP-UX Apache-based
Web Server when used with the MySQL available in HP-UX Internet Express.
This extension is not supported on HP-UX 11.00 and 11.23 64-bit version of
Apache-based Web Server. This extension may however work on 11.00 when
used with third party distributions of MySQL.
MySQL database is available as part of HP-UX Internet
Express collection. This can be downloaded from
- Openssl:
This extension uses the functions of OpenSSL for generation and verification
of signatures and for sealing (encrypting) and opening (decrypting) data.
OpenSSL offers many features that this module currently doesn't support.
Some of these may be added in the future.
Dependency: None
Enabling PHP extensions
The extensions are bundled in the form of shared libraries that can be
loaded into memory when the webserver is started (if PHP is enabled).
The PHP configuration file (php.ini) is used to load the extensions. The
'extension' directive is used to specify the extensions that need to be loaded.
For example the following lines load the
sockets and ftp extensions.
Thus the administrator has the ability to chose to load only those
extensions that are used by the php scripts.
All PHP extensions bundled with HP-UX Apache-based Web Server are located in the
following location by default
The following directive in the php.ini indicates the location where PHP
will look for extensions:
extension_dir = /opt/hpws/apache/php/lib/php/extensions
Some extensions have dependencies on certain libraries as noted in the
previous section. These libraries are not shipped as part of this
distribution. The web server looks for these libraries under /usr/local/lib
first. If the libraries are installed elsewhere on the system, set the
SHLIB_PATH environment variable to (also) point to the install locations.
export SHLIB_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH:/opt/lib1/:/opt/lib2
This setting is best made in /opt/hpws/apache/bin/apachectl file that is used
to start the web server. Refer to section titled "Environment variables" for
more information.
If you do not have the libraries (identified as dependencies) installed,
sources and HP-UX binaries for most of them are available for free from
many Internet sources.
The HP-UX Porting Archive Center (http://hpux.cs.utah.edu) provides many of
these libraries in source form and also HP-UX binaries.
All technical support questions in relation to bugs in these libraries or
building these libraries should be directed to the authors of the libraries
or other help resources identified in their respective distributions.
Enabling Oracle extension
The Oracle extension for PHP currently supports Oracle version 8.1.6.
Oracle 8.1.6 client side libraries are required to use the extension.
In order to enable the extension, perform the following steps:
a) Uncomment the following line in /opt/hpws/apache/conf/php.ini
This tells PHP to load the Oracle extension on startup.
The 'extension_dir' directive in php.ini file points to the location
where oci8.sl can be found. It is set to the following default value:
b) Uncomment and set appropriate values for the following variables in
export ORACLE_HOME = /path/to/oracle-8.1.6/client/side/libraries
export LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:$ORACLE_HOME/JRE/lib/PA_RISC/native_threads/libjava.sl
export ORACLE_SID=ConnectionName
** Note that the LD_PRELOAD variable is only required for PA-RISC systems.
The next section provides additional information on these variables.
Enabling PHP
1. Start HP-UX Webmin-based Admin if it isn't already running.
2. Access HP-UX Webmin-based Admin at http://yourserver.com:10000
3. In the "HP-UX Web Server Suite" section,
click on the "HP-UX Apache-based Web Server" icon
4. In the "HP-UX Apache-based Web Server" section,
click on the "Apache Modules" icon
5. In the "Home > Global > Apache Modules" section,
click on "mod_php5" check-box
click on the "Save" button in the bottom
click on "Restart Apache"/"Start Apache" link on the top
Note: Sometimes, you may have to actually "Stop Apache" and
"Start Apache" in two different steps for the changes
to take effect.
Overview of PHP Configuration and Extensions
No support for PHP extension or configurations is available at present from
HP-UX Webmin-based Admin.
- What has changed in PHP 5 ?
PHP 5 and the integrated Zend Engine 2 have greatly improved PHP's
performance and capabilities, but great care has been taken to
break as little existing code as possible. So migrating your code
from PHP 4 to 5 should be very easy. Most existing PHP 4 code should
be ready to run without changes, but you should still know about
the few differences listed below and take care to test your code
before switching versions in production environments.
- Backward Incompatible Changes:
Although most existing PHP 4 code should work without changes,
you should pay attention to the following backward incompatible changes:
- strrpos() and strripos() now use the entire string as a needle.
- Illegal use of string offsets causes E_ERROR instead of E_WARNING.
An example illegal use is: $str = 'abc'; unset($str[0]);.
- array_merge() was changed to accept only arrays. If a non-array
variable is passed, a E_WARNING will be thrown for every such parameter.
Be careful because your code may start emitting E_WARNING out of the blue.
- PATH_TRANSLATED server variable is no longer set implicitly under
Apache2 SAPI in contrast to the situation in PHP constant.
However the PHPDoc style comments /** */, which starting PHP 5 are
parsed by PHP, are recognized as T_DOC_COMMENT.
- $_SERVER should be populated with argc and argv if variables_order includes "S".
If you have specifically configured your system to not create $d.
Otherwise the behaviour is the old.
- get_class(), get_parent_class() and get_class_methods() now return the name
of the classes/methods as they were declared (case-sensitive) which may lead
to problems in older scripts that rely on the previous behaviour
(the class/method name was always returned lowercased). A possible solution is
to search for those functions in all your scripts and use strtolower().
This case sensitivity change also applies to the magical predefined constants
__CLASS__, __METHOD__, and __FUNCTION__. The values are returned exactly as
they're declared (case-sensitive).
- ip2long() now returns FALSE when an invalid IP address is passed as argument to
the function, and no longer -1.
- If there are functions defined in the included file, they can be used in the main
file independent if they are before return() or after. If the file is included twice,
PHP 5 issues fatal error because functions were already declared, while PHP 4 doesn't
complain about it. It is recommended to use include_once() instead of checking if
the file was already included and conditionally return inside the included file.
In PHP 5, the CLI version will always populate the global $argv and $argc
variables regardless of any php.ini directive setting. Even having
register_argc_argv set to off will have no affect in CLI.
- Migrating Configuration Files:
Since the ISAPI(php) modules changed their names, from php4xxx to php5xxx,
you need to make some changes in the configuration files. The following
change has to be made in the Apache configuration file(httpd.conf) to
load php5 module.
# change this line:
LoadModule php4_module /opt/hpws/apache/modules/libphp4.so
# with this one:
LoadModule php5_module /opt/hpws/apache/modules/libphp5.so
NOTE: HPUX-Apache includes this change by default. Also please note that
if any of your custom scripts have the module name hard coded to "libphp4.so",
make sure that it is changed to "libphp5.so".
- New Functions:
PHP 5 adds a huge list of new functions to its API.
For a entire list please refer to
- New Directives:
A new directive has been added to php.ini file for enabling compatibility
with PHP4's Zend Engine.
By default the value of this directive is set to Off. To enable the
compatibility mode set it to On as below.
For other new directives added Please refer to
- Databases:
There were some changes in PHP 5 regarding databases (MySQL and SQLite).
In PHP 5 the MySQL client libraries are NOT bundled with core PHP.
Since PHP 5, the SQLite extension is built-in PHP. SQLite is an embeddable
SQL database engine and is not a client library used to connect to a big
database server (like MySQL or PostgreSQL). The SQLite library reads and writes
directly to and from the database files on disk.
- New Object Model
In PHP 5 there is a new Object Model. PHP's handling of objects has been completely
rewritten, allowing for better performance and more features. In previous versions
of PHP, objects were handled like primitive types (for instance integers and strings).
The drawback of this method was that semantically the whole object was copied when
a variable was assigned, or pass as a parameter to a method. In the new approach,
objects are referenced by handle, and not by value.
The new Object Model is documented at
- Error Reporting
As of PHP 5 new error reporting constant E_STRICT was introduced with value 2048.
It enables run-time PHP suggestions on your code interoperability and forward
compatibility, that will help you to keep latest and greatest suggested
method of coding. E.g. STRICT message will warn you on using deprecated functions.
NOTE: E_ALL does not include E_STRICT so it's not enabled by default
- DOM Extension
When moving from PHP4 to PHP5, some modifications are required in the scripts
using domxml API. In PHP4, the experimental domxml extension was used to manage XML,
but this has been replaced by the DOM extension in PHP5.
The main problem with the domxml extension was that it didn't follow the standard
method naming convention as defined by the W3C standard.
The new DOM extension is completely based on the W3C standard, including
method and property names. As a consequence of this new W3C compatibility, the old
domxml-based scripts won't work anymore. The API is quite different in PHP 5.
But if the "almost W3C compatible" method names available in PHP 4.3.x were used,
porting is simple. The changes that needs to be done are in the loading and saving methods,
along with removal of the underscores("_") in the methodnames (the DOM standard uses
For example, a PHP function name of the form my_php_function() in PHP 4, would now
be myPhpFunction() according to the new standard.
The above-mentioned exports
are best placed in the /opt/hpws/apache/bin/apachectl.
Since the HP-UX Apache-based Web Server is usually started/restarted/stopped
using this script, all environment variables are guaranteed to be setup before
the HP-UX Apache-based Web Server starts up.
Environment variables
Verify the following variables are setup correctly in /opt/hpws/apache/bin/apachectl.
a) PHPRC :
This is where PHP looks for the php.ini file. This variable is set
by default to $APACHE_PREFIX/conf.
b) LD_PRELOAD : (Oracle extension only on PA-RISC)
HP-UX does not have full support for dynamic loading of libraries with thread
local storage (TLS). The following environment variable needs to be set-up
to use PHP's oracle extension. It would require the system to be loaded with an ld
patch PHSS_26559 or later.
If PHP's Oracle extension is being used then we need to preload the following
export LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD:$ORACLE_HOME/JRE/lib/PA_RISC/native_threads/libjava.sl"
c) ORACLE_HOME : (Oracle extension only)
This variable specifies the path where the Oracle 8 installation exists.
This could refer to a local server/client side installation, depending
upon which one is installed on the machine running HP-UX Apache-based Web
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/8.1.6
Ignore this variable if not using PHP's Oracle extension.
d) ORACLE_SID : (Oracle extension only)
This identifies a running instance of an Oracle database server
that PHP will connect to by default.
export ORACLE_SID=ConnectionName
"ConnectionName" has to be defined in the tnsnames.ora file.
Lookup the Oracle documentation for more information on the
tnsnames.ora file and setting up connection strings.
Optionally the PHP function "OCILogon"
can also be passed an alternate sid to be used
Ignore this variable if not using PHP's Oracle extension.
This variable is used by the loader during program startup to look
for shared libraries when they are not found in the location expected
by the dependent binary.
- Can't change PHP default settings.
PHP defaults can be changed in /opt/hpws/apache/conf/php.ini.
Set the environment variable:
export PHPRC=/opt/hpws/apache/conf
This tells PHP where to look for the php.ini file
- Error loading PHP when Oracle extension is enabled
Ensure that $ORACLE_HOME is set to the correct location of
Oracle 8.1.6 client side libraries.
Also make sure you have followed all the steps mentioned in
Enabling Oracle extension
- Error loading a PHP extension
1) If you have more than one extension failing to load correctly,
disable all other extensions and try to successfully load one
extension at a time. See section
Enabling PHP extensions
2) Ensure that the dependent libraries (if any) are available on the
local system.
3) Ensure that the environment variable SHLIB_PATH is set correctly
apachectl if the libraries are not located in /usr/local/lib.
4) Check to see if you have the right versions of the libraries available.
Information on the specific version numbers can be found in:
Extensions for PHP
5) For more information, refer to the following sections:
Enabling PHP extensions
Environment Variables
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
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Oracle is a registered U.S. trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City,
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
This documentation is based on information from the Apache Software Foundation
This product includes PHP, freely available from (http://www.php.net).