SVG Serializer
The SVG Serializer is an advanced serializer which accepts
valid Scalable Vector Graphic documents (currently to the
2000-08-02 Candidate Recommendation specification) and
renders it to an image which is served just like any other
document in Cocoon.
Why would you want to do this? Well, charts can be produced from the
same data which generates tables, graphical images with text labels
all following a standard theme can be generated or normal pages can be
For examples of this serializer, see the Cocoon welcome
page in the distribution ([cocoon
root]/welcome ).
So how does this serializer work?
Parse and validate SVG document
Call Batik's
Transcoder to encode this image as an image file, and return it to the user.
The best way to explain how this serializer works is to show some examples.
Basic Example
This is a basic example of the serializer.
 |  |  |
<map:serializer name="svg2jpeg" mime-type="image/jpeg"
<parameter name="transcoder"
<map:match pattern="sample.jpeg">
<map:generate type="file" src="sample.svg"/>
<map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
When the resource sample.jpeg is requested, a SAX event
stream is generated from the file sample.svg , which is
serialized using the svg2jpeg serializer. This
serializer is configured to use a specific transcoder. The MIME type
is specified so that Cocoon can tell the client which type the
document is. It can be seen that in general the use of this
serializer is identical to that of the other serializers.
Advanced Example
This is a more advanced sample of using the SVG Serializer.
 |  |  |
<map:serializer name="svg2jpeg" mime-type="image/jpeg"
<parameter name="transcoder"
<parameter name="background_color" type="color" value="#00FF00"/>
<map:match pattern="sample.jpeg">
<map:generate type="file" src="sample.svg"/>
<map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
In this example another parameter is given to the serializer,
background_color . This parameter is passed to the
transcoder. The type argument specifies the type of
data to convert the value to. In this example the
string "#00FF00" is converted to a Color object, which
is passed to the transcoder as the background colour to
For a list of the parameters available for each transcoder, refer to
the Batik API docs.
For this to work reliably with any transcoder, some magic must be
done. First, the parameter name is transformed to upper-case and then "KEY_" is
prepended. This is to match the internal naming scheme of the hints
in the Batik Transcoder interfaces. This name is then
looked up via Reflection to ensure it is a valid parameter on the
specified transcoder. Then the value is converted to the type
specified in the type attribute (currently supported
types are string, float, integer, boolean and color) and passed to
the transcoder.