Apache Cocoon is an XML publishing framework. It allows you to define XML
documents and transformations to be applied on it, to eventually
generate a presentation format of your choice (HTML, PDF, SVG, etc.).
Cocoon also gives you the possibility to have logic in your XML files
(so that the XML file itself can become dynamically generated).
Cocoon is developed on top of the Avalon Server Framework, which is a
stable and scalable framework. You can find out more about Avalon in
this document: (ref: Avalon White Paper). I highly suggest reading
this white paper as it covers many concepts that are key to Cocoon,
namely Separation of Concerns (SOC) and Inversion of Control (IoC).
It also covers foundational aspects of the Avalon Framework, so you
can have a better understanding on how Cocoon is structured.
Cocoon helps you separate out concern areas for web development.
The areas addressed are Logic, Content, Style, and Management. There
are different mechanisms for each.
In order to learn how to use Cocoon, first make sure that you
install it properly, then investigate
the many samples.
The following screenshots come from the
"tutorial " that is provided with Cocoon.
After you have built the demo webapp as per the installation
instructions (build webapp ) then you can see this tutorial
in action via the Samples pages.
Separating Concerns
Cocoon is designed to allow Developers, Business Analysts,
Designers, and Administrators to work with each other without breaking
the other person's contribution. The problem with using just JSPs, ASPs,
or ColdFusion templates is that all of the look, feel, and logic are
intertwined. That means that maintenance is much more difficult, and the
project's true costs are delayed until the customer wants feature
enhancements or bugs fixed. This also means that if the site design is
introduced late in the game, the cost of revamping the site becomes much
Developer's jobs are to create the business logic and object model
behind the web application. They are more concerned with functionality
than with layout or the words displayed on a screen. These are the
people that will develop the Actions (Components that only process
information) and the hooks for how to get the necessary information
from business objects.
Business Analysts
The Business Analysts are the people who are concerned with the words
displayed on the screen, and to a certain extent, the layout.
Typically, they will be using the work done by the developer to put
together a generic markup that will be transformed into the results.
In small development environments, many times the developer takes on
both this role and the developer role. Typically, the business analyst
will be working with the markup language that goes into the
The designer is the person or group of people who are responsible to
provide the final look and feel of a site. The designer does all the
graphics and HTML code. In Cocoon, they will be working with the
Transformers that take an input and structure it in a final
The administrator is responsible for the sitemap which maps the URI
space to the different pipelines in Cocoon. A pipeline is a path from
a Generator to a Serializer. This means, that the administrator
decides that all requests for a resource with a ".html"
extension starts out as XML and ends up as HTML. The Administrator
will work closely with the Designers and the Developers. In the
absence of a dedicated administrator, one developer should assume that
role. It is important that developers do not get bogged down in this
one Component.
Development Style
You have to decide early on whether you will develop from a Business
Markup perspective, or develop from a Document Markup perspective. They
have different ways of approaching the same problem. Both approaches
have its tradeoffs. In the end, you will find that you will need a
combination of different aspects of the two approaches.
Business Markup Centric
This approach makes the Business Object the center of attention for
development. This approach formalizes your business objects, and makes
sure that you always represent a business object in a standard manner.
It's limitations come to bear when you have cases when you need
two different objects that need to be represented on the same logical
Document Markup Centric
This approach feels the most natural to developers who come from
backgrounds with scripting languages. This approach is a bit more
flexible in that you represent a page logically, with the wording as
the center of attention. With this approach, it is up to the developer
to ensure that the business object is represented in a consistent
Hybrid Approach
We will develop a hybrid approach to development in this paper. What
this means is that we start with a Document Markup Centric approach,
and add in support for specific Business Markup as it is needed. In
the end, this is the most flexible and maintainable method for
The Concept
For the sake of this paper, we are going to develop a very simple
database-backed application that manages users and departments. Each
element has a name and an identifier. A department can have many
employees, but each employee can only have one department. We will be
able to create, change, and delete both employees and departments.
 |  |  |
CREATE TABLE department {
department_id INT NOT NULL,
department_name VARCHAR (64) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE employee {
employee_id INT NOT NULL,
employee_name VARCHAR (64) NOT NULL,
department_id INT NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE department ADD
PRIMARY KEY pkDepartment (department_id);
PRIMARY KEY pkEmployee (employee_id);
FOREIGN KEY department_id (department.department_id);
|  |
 |  |  |
Create Department (need name only)
Update Department (change name, reassign potential employees to
department, create employee for department)
Delete Department
Find Department (by name, or by ID)
Create Employee (need name and department-create department if
Update Employee (change name, reassign department-create
department if needed)
Delete Employee
Find Employees (by name, by ID, or by Department)
Various screenshots
are available as a separate document, to portray the layout of
interfaces and results pages - apply your own style.
Diving In
In order to do anything in Cocoon, you will need a sitemap. At this point
we will not go into detail but we will show you how to put an entry in so
you can see your stuff. In most development situations, the sitemap will
be set up for you. Since we want to start with a clean slate, take the
sitemap that comes with Cocoon's
and clear out everything under
the <map:pipelines> tag. Next, you will add an entry
in the same location that looks like this:
 |  |  |
<map:match pattern="">
<map:redirect-to uri="home.html"/>
<map:match pattern="**.xml">
<map:generate src="docs/{1}.xml"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<map:match pattern="**.html">
<map:generate src="docs/{1}.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>
<map:match pattern="images/**.gif">
<map:read src="resources/images/{1}.gif" mime-type="image/gif"/>
<map:match pattern="images/**.jpg">
<map:read src="resources/images/{1}.jpg" mime-type="image/jpg"/>
<map:match pattern="images/**.png">
<map:read src="resources/images/{1}.png" mime-type="image/png"/>
<map:match pattern="resources/**.css">
<map:read src="resources/styles/{1}.css" mime-type="text/css"/>
<map:match pattern="resources/**.js">
<map:read src="resource/styles/{1}.js"
<map:transform src="stylesheets/system/error2html.xsl"/>
<map:serialize status-code="500"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
What this does is tell the sitemap that we want to capture all URLs
with a ".xml" extension, and find an equivalent file in the
"docs" subdirectory. We are not performing any transformations
at this time. The Sitemap is really a site administrator's job to
maintain. There are some exceptions to this general rule, but we will
discuss them when needed. We will use the Document Markup specified in
the StyleBook DTD format.
Creating the Pages
Since we are only looking at XML right now, we need to make sure our
pages conform to the markup standards. You will see how well this comes
in handy for debugging XSP (XML Server Pages) markup. Since we already
have the Layout specified, and the database created, we will create our
Our home page is going to be really simple: a list of links that take us
to the main pages.
 |  |  |
<title>Home Page</title>
<s1 title="Welcome to Personnel Administrator">
Welcome to our Personnel Administrator. You
can perform one of the following functions:
<link href="search-dept.html">Search Departments</link>
<link href="search-empl.html">Search Employees</link>
<link href="create-dept.html">Create Departments</link>
<link href="edit-dept.html">Edit a Department</link>
<link href="create-empl.html">Create Employee</link>
<link href="edit-empl.html">Edit an Employee</link>
|  |
 |  |  |
Even though this doesn't look like much right now, we have two
entries: "**.xml" and "**.html" for the same
resource. Look at "home.html", and see how it looks now.
Quite a difference. Don't remove the entry for viewing the page
as XML yet. We need to use it to debug our XSP pages later.
Our First Form
For now, we are going to skip the search functionality, and jump to
our "create" templates. It is important to realize the
proper method of form handling. While it is possible to create XSP
pages that perform the logic for you, this approach is not very
maintainable. We also have to choose whether we will directly access
the database, or encapsulate that logic in objects.
The tradeoffs are that the direct SQL access is faster to get started,
but that it is harder to maintain in the end. You may decide to start
with the direct SQL access at the beginning of a project, and build
the objects later. With that in mind, we will use some functionality
that Cocoon has built in to make this approach a little easier.
Cocoon has a group of Database actions that allow you to map form
fields to dynamically created SQL calls. It also has a logicsheet
that makes creating SQL bound pages a little easier.
Our first form is the "Create a Department" form. The
website specification is missing the tags for form building, we will
provide an example here:
 |  |  |
<s1 title="Create a Department">
<form handler="create-dept.html">
You can create a department by typing in the
name and pressing the "submit" button.
Name: <text name="name" size="30" required="true"/>
<submit name="Create Department"/>
* These fields are required.
|  |
 |  |  |
It is important to note that the "submit" tag is transformed
into an HTML submit button with the name "cocoon-action-ACTIONNAME".
The "cocoon-action-ACTIONNAME" form parameter is a magic value that
Cocoon uses to select a specific action from a group of actions that
only gets executed during that time. You will find that this page
displays correctly, but does not do anything yet. The handler is
where the navigation goes once you click on the
"Create Department" button on the screen. What we are going
to do is create one confirmation page for all the Department and
Employee pages.
Cocoon has a FormValidatorAction that will take care of ensuring the
input results are acceptable. It also has the following database
actions for your convenience: DatabaseAddAction, DatabaseUpdateAction,
DatabaseDeleteAction, and DatabaseAuthenticatorAction. We will only
need the Add, Update, and Delete actions for our simple webapp. In
order to prepare them, we create an XML configuration file that tells
the actions how to map request parameters to database tables and place
constraints on the parameters. For the Department form group, it will
look like this:
 |  |  |
The "parameter" elements identify the root constraints for
the FormValidatorAction. We are specifying that the "id"
parameter is an integer (it limits to "long", "double",
"boolean", and "string"). We are specifying that the "name"
parameter is a string that is at least 5 characters--but no
more than 64 characters.
<parameter name="id" type="long"/>
<parameter name="name" type="string" min-len="5" max-len="64"/>
Each constraint set is used when we are defining a new way
of validating a form. We define our constraint sets by
function. Since we have the same basic form that is driving
the FormValidator, we have an update set and an add set.
Note that you can impose additional constraints than the
default constraints listed above. Also, you do not "have"
to enforce a constraint. Each "validate" element below
identifies the parameter constraints we are enforcing.
For more information view the JavaDocs for
<constraint-set name="update">
<validate name="name"/>
<validate name="id" nullable="no" min="1"/>
<constraint-set name="add">
<validate name="name"/>
This is where we identify our table mappings so that the
Database Actions can work their magic. Note that the
parameter names are the same as above--as well as the same
as form parameter names.
First we tell the Database Actions that we are using the
"personnel" connection pool we set up in <code>cocoon.xconf</code>.
This file should be set up by the site administrator.
We also tell the Database Actions the structure of the table
we will be populating. The keys are used to identify which
columns will be treated as keys--they are treated different
when the different SQL statements are created. Note that
there is a "mode" attribute in the key element. The mode
refers to how new keys will be generated. There are three
modes: "automatic" keys are generated by the database,
"manual" keys are generated by manually finding the largest
value and incrementing it, and finally "form" keys take the
key value from a parameter on the form.
Both keys and values serve to map parameter names to table
columns, converting the value into the native type. For a
list of supported types check out the JavaDocs for
<table name="department">
<key param="id" dbcol="department_id" type="int" mode="manual"/>
<value param="name" dbcol="department_name" type="string"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
After you create the descriptor file, you will have to create some
entries in the Sitemap so you can take advantage of the form
descriptor. First, the Sitemap has to be able to know how to
reference the Actions we want. To do that, alter the
"map:actions" section to list all the actions we need:
 |  |  |
<map:action name="dbAdd"
<map:action name="dbDel"
<map:action name="dbUpd"
<map:action name="form"
|  |
 |  |  |
Lastly, we want to create an action set. An action set is a group of
actions that will be applied at once. If the action set entry has an
"action" parameter, then the specific action is only
executed when the ACTIONNAME of the magic "cocoon-action-ACTIONNAME"
request parameter matches the value of the "action" parameter. For our
purposes, the action set we are defining is listed below (defined in
the sitemap):
 |  |  |
<map:action-set name="process">
<map:act type="form" action="Create Department">
<map:parameter name="validate-set" value="add"/>
<map:act type="dbAdd"/>
<map:act type="form" action="Update Department">
<map:parameter name="validate-set" value="update"/>
<map:act type="dbUpd"/>
<map:act type="dbDel" action="Delete Department"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
Now that we have defined the actions we want, with the parameters that
control them during run-time, we can use it in our pipeline.
 |  |  |
<map:match pattern="*-dept.html">
<map:act set="process">
<map:parameter name="descriptor"
<map:parameter name="form-descriptor"
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/confirm-dept.xsp"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/{1}-dept.xsp"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>
<map:match pattern="*-dept.xml">
<map:act set="process">
<map:parameter name="descriptor"
<map:parameter name="form-descriptor"
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/confirm-dept.xsp"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/{1}-dept.xsp"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
This may not seem clear what is happening right now. The way actions
work is if they return a null, nothing inside the "map:act"
entry will execute, and the request processing will flow through to
the second "map:generate" section. This is a side affect of
using the FormValidatorAction. If we choose to create our own
business objects and form validation framework, we are not constrained by
this construct.
In addition, we changed the type of generator we are using: we have
made it a "serverpages" (or XSP) generator. We made the
transition now so that we can report information on what failed to the
user. First, we need to convert our "create-dept.xml" file
to an XSP page so that we can see the page again (right now we will
get an error). To do this, simply add a new tag to the base of the
document called "xsp:page" declaring the XSP namespace. The
change will look like this:
 |  |  |
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="">
<!-- The original document will be embedded here -->
|  |
 |  |  |
To complete the transformation, we usually change the extension to
".xsp" so we know what we are dealing with at a glance.
Create a new file called "confirm.xsp" with the following
 |  |  |
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="">
<s1 title="Department Processed">
You have successfully processed the department.
|  |
 |  |  |
Adding support for Error Reporting
In order to successfully report errors processing the page, add
another namespace declaration to the "xsp:page" element.
The final form page will look like this:
 |  |  |
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp=""
<s1 title="Create a Department">
<form handler="create-dept.html">
You can create a department by typing in the
name and pressing the "submit" button.
Name: <text name="name" size="30" required="true"/><br />
if (<xsp-formval:is-toosmall name="name"/>) {
<xsp:text>"Name" must be at least 5 characters</xsp:text>
} else if (<xsp-formval:is-toolarge name="name"/>) {
<xsp:text>"Name" was too long</xsp:text>
<submit name="Create Department"/>
* These fields are required.
|  |
 |  |  |
Adding Database Support with the ESQL Logicsheet
The "Create Employee" page is going to require database
access so that we know which Department a new employee is assigned to.
This is fairly easy to accomplish with the ESQL Logicsheet. Again,
when you use the ESQL logicsheet, you lose some of your separation of
 |  |  |
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp=""
<s1 title="Create an Employee">
<form handler="create-empl.html">
You can create a department by typing in the
name and pressing the "submit" button.
Name: <text name="name" size="30" required="true"/><br />
if (<xsp-formval:is-null name="name"/>) {
<xsp:text>"Name" cannot be empty</xsp:text>
} else if (<xsp-formval:is-toolarge name="name"/>) {
<xsp:text>"Name" was too long</xsp:text>
<select name="department">
<!-- declare the connection pool we are using -->
<!-- query execution blocks can be repeated -->
<!-- Find all departments and order them -->
SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM department ORDER BY department_name
<!-- What to do with the results -->
A successful query that returns results
executes this block. You can also embed
more "execute-query" blocks inside the
row-results. That way you can have queries
that filter information based on the results
of other queries.
<xsp:attribute name="name">
<esql:get-string column="department_id"/>
<esql:get-string column="department_name"/>
Other result types are "no-results" and
"error-results". A successful query that
does not return results (an empty resultset)
will use the XML embedded in the "no-results"
section. An unsuccessful query that throws
an exception will use the XML embedded in
the "error-results" section.
<submit name="Create Employee"/>
* These fields are required.
|  |
 |  |  |
As you can see ESQL is flexible and powerful, but the cost of that
flexibility is a loss of readability. Using a logicsheet to wrap
information in a business object is another alternative. Notice how
ESQL works:
First, we specify our connection information which will apply to
all queries in the ESQL structure.
Next, we specify our first query we are going to use. Note that
you can nest queries as well as have more than one in an
"esql:connection" element.
Lastly, we specify how we process the results. There are three
different types of results: "esql:row-results",
"esql:no-results", and "esql:error-results".
This allows you to handle different scenarios easily. It is
inside the individual results elements that we can nest new
queries to process.
A Note About Actions
Actions are the bread and butter of logic processing in Cocoon.
There are a number of approaches that you can take when developing
Actions. You can create a specific action for each piece of
business logic. This approach is very heavy handed and requires you
to spend a lot of development time creating actions.
The preferred method for creating actions is to provide a generic
action that can handle a wide range of specific actions. The
Database Actions and Validator Actions are examples of this approach.
They will read a configuration file specified by a parameter, and
they will modify the specific results based on the configuration
file. In order to take advantage of this for your own Actions, you
can extend the AbstractComplimentaryConfigurationAction. Basically
what it does is encapsulate the logic for reading and caching the
Configuration information for your Action.
Most web developers agree that redirecting a user based on input is a
valuable and necessary part of web development. In Cocoon there are
only two locations where you can issue redirects: the Sitemap and
Actions. In essence, Cocoon does require you to plan so that redirects
are only used when necessary.
One approach that is good to use is to require all traffic to go
through a URL controlling action. The Action will test to see if the
user is logged in, and if not will send them to the login page.
Another derivation on this approach is to test for a user's role,
and if they do not have access redirect them to a different page.
Writing an Action
Writing an action is as simple as writing a Component that conforms to
the Action interface. Be sure to examine the different Actions that are
in the org.apache.cocoon.acting package - you might find some abstract
actions that you can extend. Actions are Avalon Components, so you may
want to read Avalon's Whitepaper for more information.
 | Actions will return a map that contains values that the sitemap
administrator can use in the sitemap. If the Action returns a null,
then anything inside the "map:act" element will not be
executed. |
Return Values
The Action interface specifies that it returns a Map. This Map is
used for value substitution in the sitemap, and communicating
information to other Actions. When an Action is specified in the
sitemap, it uses the following syntax:
 |  |  |
<map:act type="my-action">
<map:generate src="{source}"/>
<map:transform src="doc2{theme}"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
The above code snippet assumes you have an Action with the name
"my-action" already specified. It also assumes that there
are two "parameters" returned from the action in the Map. The
sitemap queries the returned Map for the "source" and
"theme" values, and substitutes their values in place of the
curly braces that referenced it. In other words, when it sees the
"map:generate" with an src attribute of "{source}"
it looks in the Map. For our discussion, let us say the value stored
is "index.xml". The Sitemap will perform the substitution
so that the src attribute now containts "index.xml".
In the case that the above the action might return a null value. In
that case, everything inside the "map:act" element is
skipped. You can use this to good advantage like the *ValidatorActions
do. If everything is validated correctly, they return a Map. If there
is an error, they return a null, and place the information in Request
Cocoon Supplied Components
Cocoon supplies a number of different Components for your use. The types
of Components we will discuss here are Generators, Transformers,
Serializers, Readers, and Actions. This are the important Components that
allow you to do you job.
A Generator will create SAX events for a SAX stream-whether it reads from
an input stream or it generates it on the fly. All built in generators
are in the package "org.apache.cocoon.generation".
Reads a directory, and builds an XML document based on the contents.
You can pass parameters to it to control how it behaves (note
parameter names are case sensitive):
dateFormat - a format string that you would use in the Java
SimpleDateFormat object
depth - the maximum number of directories deep the generator will
look (defaults to 1)
root - a regular expression to find the root directory
include - a regular expression to declare the files/directories
that will be included in the list
exclude - a regular expression to declare the files/directories
that will not be included in the list
When you use this Generator, you must have the Jakarta Regexp package
installed in your WEB-INF/libs directory. Also, the DirectoryGenerator
is not Cacheable so the results will be generated fresh each time.
The resulting XML looks like this:
 |  |  |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<directory xmlns=""
date="11 Jun 2001">
<file name="C:\path\dir\file.xml" lastModified="135432153351"
date="11 Jun 2001"/>
|  |
 |  |  |
This generator and the ServerPagesGenerator will be your most used
generators. The FileGenerator reads an XML file from an input source,
and converts it into a SAX stream.
When you use this Generator, you must have a JAXP 1.1 compliant parser
installed in your WEB-INF/libs directory. You may also use the Xerces
parser bypassing the JAXP requirement. The FileGenerator is Cacheable,
so the results will only be re-read when the file changes.
This generator is used in conjunction with the
FragmentExtractorTransformer (more on that in the transformers
section). The FragmentExtractorTransformer splits an XML document into
smaller parts so you can treat each smaller part as a unique document.
To see this in action, check out the Cocoon supplied
and click on the SVG Welcome page.
This Generator caches the results from the FragmentExtractorTransformer
for quick retrieval later. It is Cacheable, so the fragments are
generated once and the cached version is read from that point
This generator is used to read in an HTML file that may not be properly
formatted to comply with XML standards. The result is properly
formatted XHTML.
This generator requires the Tidy.jar file installed in the
WEB-INF/libs directory. The HTMLGenerator is Cacheable, so the results
can be cached for application speedup.
This generator is an extension of the DirectoryGenerator, so it has the
same requirements. It extends the markup to include two new attributes
for the "file" element: "height" and
"width". The ImageDirectoryGenerator reads every GIF and
JPEG file to get the dimensions.
This generator is not Cacheable (just like the DirectoryGenerator).
This generator executes a JSP file and parses the result. The JSP must
generate valid XML, and be a file in the context.
This generator requires a JAXP 1.1 compliant parser or Xerces if your
environment will not allow you to install one. It is also not
cacheable so the results are generated each time.
This generator functions just like the JspGenerator, but with PHP
templates. The PHP must generate valid XML, and be a file in the
This generator requires a JAXP 1.1 compliant parser and the
phpservlet.jar file that comes from Install the files
in the WEB-INF/libs directory. The PhpGenerator is not Cacheable.
This generator converts the Request object into an XML representation.
It is best used for debugging purposes. The resulting XML follows:
 |  |  |
<request xmlns=""
target="index.html" source="context://docs/index.xml">
<header name="HOST_NAME"></header>
<!-- repeat for each header -->
<parameter name="form-param">
<!-- repeat for each value in "form-param" -->
<!-- repeat for each parameter -->
<!-- repeat for each parameter -->
|  |
 |  |  |
The RequestGenerator does not have any special requirements for
libraries, and it is not Cacheable.
The ScriptGenerator uses the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) and an
associated interpreter to generate valid XML. If you add language
support, you will have to embed the following configuration
 |  |  |
<!-- repeat the following for each language: -->
<language name="kawa-scheme"
<!-- repeat for each file extension -->
|  |
 |  |  |
The ScriptGenerator requires that you have the bsf.jar in your
WEB-INF/libs directory along with any jars for the script interpreters
you use. The ScriptGenerator is not Cacheable.
The ServerPagesGenerator is the XML Server Pages (XSP) engine. It
automatically compiles a new Generator at runtime based on an input
XML file.
This generator requires that you have a JAXP 1.1 compliant parser and
XSLT engine installed in your WEB-INF/libs directory. It also requires
you to have the JDK's tools.jar file in your classpath. If you
reference any packages, they must also be in your classpath. The
created generator is not Cacheable.
The StatusGenerator is another debug tool. It provides status
information for the Cocoon engine. The resultant XML is in the
following format:
 |  |  |
<statusinfo xmlns=""
date="7/16/2001 1:16:42 pm">
<group name="vm">
<group name="memmory">
<value name="total"><line>5213255</line></value>
<value name="free"><line>12321211</line></value>
<group name="jre">
<value name="version"><line>1.3.1</line></value>
<value name="java-vendor"
<line>Sun Microsystems Inc.</line>
<group name="operating-system">
<value name="name"><line>Windows 2000</line></value>
<value name="architecture"><line>x86</line></value>
<value name="version"><line>5.0</line></value>
<value name="classpath">
|  |
 |  |  |
The results are not cacheable, and do not require any special
The StreamGenerator is used to convert the Request's InputStream
into a SAX XML stream. Alternately, it will accept the magic form
parameter "form-name" and read the input stream that the
parameter points to.
This generator requires the JAXP 1.1 compliant parser (or Xerces). It
is not cacheable.
The VelocityGenerator is used to convert the output from the Velocity
template engine to a valid XML stream.
This generator requires Jakarta Velocity and a JAXP 1.1 compliant
parser installed in WEB-INF/libs. It is not Cacheable.
Transformers read a SAX stream, manipulate the XML stream, and send the
results to the next Component in the chain. All built in generators are
in the package "org.apache.cocoon.generation".
The CIncludeTransformer looks for instances of the
"ci:include" element, and will embed another XML resource in
your document. That resource can be in the sitemap so you can include
the results of processed XSP pages. An example follows:
 |  |  |
<document xmlns:ci="">
<ci:include src="cocoon://my-resource.xml"
|  |
 |  |  |
The Transformer will read the results from the sitemap, and embed it
into this document with a new root element "body" using a new
namespace (xmlns:res="").
The results are not cached.
The FilterTransformer will look for instances of an element you specify
using parameters, and will not forward any SAX events for that element
or any child elements. You can pass parameters to it to control how it
behaves (note parameter names are case sensitive):
element-name - The name of the element to filter
count - the number of times the element will be filtered
blocknr - the element number that filtering begins
This is transformation half of the FragmentExtractor. This transformer
sieves an incoming stream of xml with embedded SVG images and replaces
the images with a xlink locator pointing to the image. Ultimately this
could be much more general, but currently it is mainly an SVG
This is Cocoon's port of Infozone Group's I18nProcessor. The
word i18n is a shorthand for the longer word
"internationalization" (starts with 'i', ends with
'n', and has 18 letters in the middle). The
internationalization transformer allows you to look up references by
key in an XML dictionary. This allows you to support your same
business processes in many different countries. You have to pass
parameters to it so that it knows how to process i18n requests:
default_lang - The default language if the requested language does
not exist (two character country code)
avalailable_lang_X - Language available by the dictionary (two
character country code). Replace the 'X' in the
attribute with a number (1, 2, 3).
src - The location of the dictionary file.
The I18nTransformer reads the request parameter "lang" to
determine which language to display to the user. To translate text
either embed the text inside the "i18n:text" element, or the
attribute name inside the "i18n:attr" attribute.
 |  |  |
<document xmlns:i18n="">
<s1 title="Test Title" i18n:attr="title">
<i18n:text>This is replaceable text.</i18n:text>
|  |
 |  |  |
The LDAPTransformer is a class that can be plugged into a pipeline to
transform the SAX events which passes through this transformer into
queries an responses to/from a LDAP interface.
The Sitemap
This section is meant primarily as a reference for the Sitemap Manager.
The person in this role needs to have a better understanding of the sitemap
than any other role. The sitemap is a relatively new concept, and as such
is subject to refinement. There have been a couple of proposals to replace
it with something else, but nothing has been started yet.
The Sitemap is composed of three major parts: component declaration,
resource declaration, and pipeline declaration. You will only use a few
different types of components in the sitemap: Generators, Transformers,
Serializers, Readers, Matchers, Selectors, and Actions. Generators create
XML and pass the results in a SAX stream. Transformers read a SAX stream
and manipulate the results on the way through. Serializers read a SAX
stream, and convert it into the servlet's output stream. Readers read
an input stream and copy the results to the servlet's output stream.
Matchers and Selectors are used to choose how to process an incoming
request. Lastly, Actions are used to perform logic only functions (no
display logic).
Below is the root element of all sitemaps:
 |  |  |
<map:sitemap xmlns:map="">
|  |
 |  |  |
Choosing your Components
As previously discussed, you may choose a number of components to use
in your own system. This section identifies the different components
you can use, and what they do. Before we begin, I must state that
every component is declared in the "map:components" element
of the Sitemap:
 |  |  |
|  |
 |  |  |
All generators are declared within the "map:generators"
element that is a child of the "map:components"
 |  |  |
<map:generator name="file"
|  |
 |  |  |
Most Generators do not have configuration information, so the
"map:generator" element is left empty. If there were
configuration information to pass to the generator, it would be
placed inside the element. As you can see in the sitemap snippet
above, you declare a generator with the "map:generator"
element, a "name" attribute, and a "src"
attribute. The "name" attribute is how you will refer to
this specific type of generator from this point forward. The
"src" attribute is the fully qualified class name of the
Generator class. In fact this construct is the same for all
component types - the only thing that changes is the elements that
declare the type of Component we are dealing with.