This page discusses the following Batik installation issues:
Batik requires the following systems to be already installed in your
- Java Virtual Machine
A Java 1.3 or greater compatible virtual machine must be present.
 |  |  |  | Choosing a download from the distribution |  |  |  |  |
To install Batik, you will need to go to the download area
and download one or more ZIP file containing the distribution of your choice. Here are
the various components you will find in the download area and their intended use:
- batik-version.zip (e.g.,
batik-1.1.zip. )
The binary distribution contains a compiled executable JAR files that let you get started with Batik easily. This
is the recommended distribution if you want to look at Batik's features, or you want to
experiment with SVG and see the fun things you can do with Batik. The binary distribution
comes with a set of sample SVG files.
- batik-src-version.zip
batik-src-1.1.zip. )The source distribution contains a complete
snapshot of the Batik source code, documentation, regression tools and utilities as
well as the script for building Batik. That distribution is a snapshot of
the CVS repository. This is the recommended distribution for developers who want
to dive into the code and understand how Batik can be integrated in
their applications or how Batik can be extended.
- batik-docs-version.zip
The documentation bundle contains a copy of
the Javadoc for the Batik source code.
In all cases, the user should:
- Make sure a Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on the computer
where Batik will be installed. See System Requirements.
Make sure that the
java runtime is in the PATH environment
- Select the directory where he/she wants to download the distribution
- Download the desired distribution from the download area
- Open a console and go to the directory where the distribution was downloaded.
- Unpack the distribution with Java's JAR utility:
jar xvf <distribution>
For example, if you have downloaded batik-1.1.zip into /home/IamHere, type the
following at the command prompt:
cd /home/IamHere
jar xvf batik-1.1.zip
IMPORTANT: UNIX users, do not use the unzip utility to
unpack the various Batik zip files, as this would not set the directories access rights
- From there, following the instructions specific to the application you want to use.
For example, see the SVG Browser page or the
SVG Rasterizer page for an explanation on
how to use these tools.
By default, Batik source distribution comes with the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript Engine (js.jar ).
To enable other scripting languages support, you will only need to install
the correct jar files in lib directory of Batik and to
recompile your distribution.
For Python, you need to download Jython distribution at the following
URL http://www.jython.org.
Then you put the
jython.jar file in the Batik
lib directory.
For Tcl, you need to download Jacl & TclBlend distribution at
the following URL http://dev.scriptics.com/software/java.
Then you put the
jacl.jar & tcljava.jar
files in the Batik lib directory.
Conversely, you can remove the js.jar of the Batik
lib directory to remove JavaScript support and have a smaller